9 Feng Shui Bedroom Layout Options to Try, as Recommended by a Pro (2025)

Feng Shui


Tessa Cooper

9 Feng Shui Bedroom Layout Options to Try, as Recommended by a Pro (1)

Tessa Cooper is a lifestyle writer and freelance photographer with more than 6 years of experience writing for publications like Apartment Therapy, 417 Magazine, and Feast. She lives in an 1886 Victorian home in Springfield, MO, that she restored with her husband.

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Updated on 10/08/24

9 Feng Shui Bedroom Layout Options to Try, as Recommended by a Pro (2)

Your bedroom should be a restorative place where you can recharge your energy. If you're experiencing restless nights or generally feel overstimulated before you sleep, consider looking into ways to improve the feng shui in your bedroom. According to this ancient Chinese traditional practice, implementing certain best practices into your furniture layout can create harmony and an energetic balance between you and your environment.

What Is Feng Shui?

When you feng shui your home, you arrange pieces in living spaces to create balance with the natural world. The goal is to honor the energy flow in a space and establish harmony between people and their environment.

Laura Cerrano, a certified feng shui master,offers recommendations for how to set up optimal bedroom layouts for feng shui and some creative workarounds.

9 Feng Shui Bedroom Layout Options to Try, as Recommended by a Pro (3)

The Most Optimal Layout

9 Feng Shui Bedroom Layout Options to Try, as Recommended by a Pro (4)

Cerrano has one go-to, ideal layout that she often recommends to her clients:

  • The bed sits against a solid wall with a commanding view of the doorway, but the foot of the bed doesn't directly align with the door or any windows.
  • The solid wall doesn't contain any plumbing or appliances on the other side to prevent overstimulation of energy.
  • The bedside table sits beside the bed but is not taller than the bed to prevent a sense of oppression.
  • The layout is free of mirrors, plants, workspaces, or electronics. According to feng shui, these all carry their energetic charge.

Cerrano notes that this ideal setup is not always possible or conducive to your lifestyle, but you can make minor adjustments where needed. The following eight layouts we describe use this layout by Cerrano as a template but feature as-needed adjustments you can make depending on your situation.

9 Feng Shui Bedroom Layout Options to Try, as Recommended by a Pro (5)

Layout Adjustment for Attic Bedrooms

If your bedroom is on the top floor of your home or apartment building and contains slanted ceilings, achieving the optimal feng shui layout can be trickier.

"If your bedroom features a pretty strong angle that you might bump your head on, avoid placing your bed under the slant," she says. "In general, try to avoid anything related to pushing down on your crown chakra on the top of your head."

If you have to place your bed on a slant, she suggests countering the downward energy by installing sconces on either side of the bed that shines toward the ceiling with uplifting energy.


Reduce clutter around and under the bed to optimize energy efficiency in a small bedroom. Use a mirror wisely to make the room feel more spacious and make sure it reflects nature outdoors or inspiring artwork.

9 Feng Shui Bedroom Layout Options to Try, as Recommended by a Pro (6)

Layout Adjustment for Plants in the Bedroom

Perhaps your bedroom contains the best natural light for plants, or you've run out of room for them everywhere else. If you have a plant in your room, position it away from your bed on the other side. Cerrano also suggests choosing a plant that grows slowly and downward, such as a trailing succulent.

You can position the plants in front of the window so they get enough sunlight, but just be sure that the foot of your bed isn't in alignment with the window.

9 Feng Shui Bedroom Layout Options to Try, as Recommended by a Pro (7)

Layout Adjustment for Rooms With Several Doors

If your bedroom contains multiple doors, such as doors to a bathroom, a door to a hallway, and a door to a closet, it can be virtually impossible to avoid placing your bed directly with the door.

"It's a very dramatic description, but having the foot of your bed facing a doorway is called the coffin position," Cerrano says. "What that is saying is that it can make your energy feel very exposed, as if getting pulled out of your sleeping room. Or, depending on what is on the other side of that door, it could expose you to too much activity or whatever energy is in that room across the way."

So, if you have to pick a door to align with the foot of your bed, she suggests choosing the closet door since there is generally no activity in a closet.

Layout Adjustment for a Large Bedroom

If your bedroom isn't lacking in square footage, filling it with a ton of furniture can be tempting. However, clutter can block energy flow and disrupt the feng shui. If you do want to add extra furniture to your bedroom, consider creating a zone for sitting and relaxing. You can anchor this area with a rug and place it on the opposite side of your bed.

9 Feng Shui Bedroom Layout Options to Try, as Recommended by a Pro (8)

Layout Adjustment for Decorating With Mirrors

In feng shui, mirrors are generally not a welcome addition to a bedroom. However, if you want one, ensure it isn't directly facing your bed. Be mindful of what the mirror is reflecting as well. For example, a mirror should reflect calming artwork than a home office.

Layout Adjustment for Rooms With Several Windows

Finding a solid wall to place your bed on can be difficult if your bedroom is in a sunroom or aroom with windowson three of the four walls. To work with what you've got, place it where you can still see the door, even if that means your back will be behind a window when you sleep. However, you can opt for a canopy bed to create a sense of safety and closure.


If you must put yourbed against or under a window,hang heavy window treatments to block bad light or secure a low, sturdy headboard under taller windows. Choose a headboard that meets the window at the bottom of its frame to make the bed placement look intentional.

9 Feng Shui Bedroom Layout Options to Try, as Recommended by a Pro (9)

Layout Adjustment for a Bedroom That Doubles as a Workspace

Sometimes, the only space for a work-from-home station is in your bedroom. Although it's not ideal to have a desk in your bedroom regarding work-life balance and feng shui, where you put it can make less of a negative impact. Avoid placing your desk next to your bed, which can leave you feeling wired when trying to rest and vice versa.

Layout Adjustment for Those Who Esteem Their Electronics

Cerrano encourages her clients to keep their bedrooms an electronic-free zone. If you use your phone as an alarm clock, she suggests charging it outside your bedroom door at night so you can still hear it. If you love watching TV in bed, consider using aportable projectorthat you can store in another room when not in use. Alternatively, keep your TV in a media cabinet and close the doors before sleeping. Unplug it at night if you want to take it a step further.

Additional Tips for Good Bedroom Feng Shui

Tips to improve and maximize good bedroom feng shui:

  • Do not place your bed against the bathroom wall; keep the bathroom door closed if you have a bathroom leading to the room.
  • Avoid hanging a chandelier immediately above your bed or head; this can make you feel like the object is potentially falling on top of you.
  • Remove clutter or objects that obstruct your path around the bed.
  • When placing the bed in relation to the door, ensure it's not in a direct line with your feet pointing directly out the door.
  • Do not use storage boxes or stow items under the bed. Good feng shui encourages good energy around you as you sleep.
  • Avoid setting up a workspace inside the bedroom.
9 Feng Shui Bedroom Layout Options to Try, as Recommended by a Pro (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.