I Wanna Dance With Somebody Showtimes Near Cinemark Movies 14 (2025)

1. Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody (2022) - Fandango

  • Buy Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody (2022) tickets and view showtimes at a theater near you. Earn double rewards when you purchase a ticket ...

  • Buy Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody (2022) tickets and view showtimes at a theater near you. Earn double rewards when you purchase a ticket with Fandango today.

2. Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody | Vue

  • Book tickets to watch Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody at your nearest Vue Cinema.

3. Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody - Today 14/6 - (Rixensart)

  • Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody : Schedules for Ciné Centre. Avenue de Mérode, 91 - 1330 Rixensart 02 6539445.

  • Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody : Find the schedules of the movies currently available in theaters Ciné Centre thanks to Cinenews.be ! All the news about the new movies , the schedules, the trailers, the latest news, and so much more!

4. I Wanna Dance: The Whitney Houston Movie - cinema - VPRO Gids

  • Mijn abonnementen. Abonneer je op specifieke films of personen, zodat je een melding ontvangt als de betreffende film (of een film van je favoriete regisseur/ ...

  • Door de nabestaanden geautoriseerde biopic over het leven van de in 2012 aan een overdosis overleden popzangeres Whitney Houston. Hoewel er geen geheim wordt gemaakt van haar lesbische relatie met haar ‘beste vriendin’ Robyn Crawford, valt er in de lange reeks optredens en gebeurtenissen geen noemenswaardige samenhang of lijn te bespeuren. Vooral voor wie de onthullende documentaire Whitney van Kevin MacDonald uit 2018 zag, schittert de familie door afwezigheid. Geen moeilijke jeugd in een achterstandswijk, geen kindermisbruik, verstikkende gezinsverhoudingen, falend moederschap of vermagerde Whitney; amper drugs. Een gekuist plaatjesboek dat zelfs voor fans slaapverwekkend is.

5. Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody - Kinepolis Leuven

  • Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody : Find the schedules of the movies currently available in theaters Kinepolis Leuven thanks to Cinenews.be !

  • Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody : Find the schedules of the movies currently available in theaters Kinepolis Leuven thanks to Cinenews.be ! All the news about the new movies , the schedules, the trailers, the latest news, and so much more!

6. Cinema schedule Rotterdam - Pathé.nl

  • Pathé has cinemas in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag, Eindhoven and many other cities. You can find all our currently playing movies and more on our website.

  • De bioscoopagenda voor. Bekijk trailers, alle filmtijden en bestel direct online tickets voor de beste plaatsen.

7. I Wanna Dance With Somebody at Bristol, Westbury Park


  • 4 jan 2023 · ... Wanna Dance with Somebody' starts its screening across Philippine cinemas on Sunday, January 8. The filmmakers, headed by film director ...

  • Acclaimed biopic 'Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody' starts its screening across Philippine cinemas on Sunday, January 8. The filmmakers, headed by film director-executive producer Kasi Lemmons, have obtained the original recordings of Houston’s 22 greatest hits and remixed them for today’s state-of-the-art sound of movie theaters.

9. Rooftop Cinema Club Uptown - Outdoor Movies in Houston

  • From the garage you can drive up to the 5th floor and park near the cinema entrance. ... Want the whole cinema to yourself? We have hosted film and TV ...

  • Enjoy the ultimate open-air cinema experience in Uptown Houston with stunning views of the city's skyline!

10. Dolby Cinema Theatrical Releases

  • Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé. Dolby Atmos. Dolby Vision. Dec 01, 2023 ... Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody. Dolby Atmos. Dolby Vision. Dec 23 ...

  • Looking for Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision Movies? See a full list of current and future theatrical film releases presented in Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision.

11. I Wanna Dance With Somebody: Naomi Ackie As Whitney Houston

  • Portraying a real person on film is always a task laden with unique challenges for an actor. When it comes to playing someone who was a global superstar ...

  • Watch the new trailer for WHITNEY HOUSTON: I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY, starring an amazing-looking Naomi Ackie.

12. New Greensboro cinema offers free films, cheap concessions

  • 8 nov 2023 · At Spinning Dreams, a new cinema recently opened in Greensboro by ... Wanna Dance with Somebody and Plane, the 2023 action film with Gerard ...

  • At Spinning Dreams, a new cinema recently opened in Greensboro by filmmaker, actor and educator Edna Thompson, the concessions are cheap and the movies are free.

13. Malco Forest Hill Cinema Grill - Sat January 14

  • 14 jan 2023 · Sat January 14. No More Showtimes for this Date. I Wanna Dance With Somebody. PG13 146m. I Wanna Dance With Somebody. A joyous, emotional ...

  • Close Trailer

I Wanna Dance With Somebody Showtimes Near Cinemark Movies 14 (2025)


Is Cinemark strict about age? ›

Cinemark supports and enforces the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) / CARA (Classification And Rating Administration) ratings system. You must be at least 17 years of age (18 in some states) or have a parent or legal guardian accompany you to view the movie.

How many hours is the movie I Wanna Dance With Somebody? ›

Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody
Release datesDecember 13, 2022 (AMC Lincoln Square) December 23, 2022 (United States)
Running time146 minutes
CountryUnited States
12 more rows

What is the movie I Wanna Dance With Somebody rated? ›

Rated PG-13 for strong drug content, some strong language, suggestive references and smoking.

Is the movie I Wanna Dance With Somebody on prime video? ›

The complex and untold story of the incomparable Whitney Houston, the voice of a generation. Rentals include 30 days to start watching this video and 48 hours to finish once started.

Can a 13 year old go to a 16 movie? ›

Those under sixteen will not be admitted to cinemas and it is the responsibility of each cinema, under law, to ensure that this is the case. The 16 certificate recognizes the ability of today's teenagers to digest and understand mature themes and complex material.

Can a 17 year old take a 16 year old to an R movie? ›

AMC Requires Adult Supervision For Guests Under 17 in R-Rated Movies. AMC policies specific to R-Rated titles include children under 6 are not allowed at R-Rated movies after 6pm at any theatre. Guests under 17 must be accompanied by a guardian who is 21 or older. Please be prepared to show ID at the theatre.

Did Naomi Ackie sing in Whitney Houston's movie? ›

She told Yahoo UK, “I sing the first song that you hear in the film, when she's a big younger and needed to be refined. But most of it is Whitney. I just sing for the dramatic beats, so I sing in one of the office scenes, when she's choosing a track. But I don't do it too much.

What did Whitney Houston's dad do? ›

Early life and family

John was a former Army serviceman who later became an administrator under the Newark mayor. Houston was given the nickname "Nippy" by her father. Houston's parents were both African-American. On her mother's side, Houston was alleged to have partial Dutch and Native American ancestry.

Can a 12 year old watch I Wanna Dance With Somebody? ›

A few things for parents watching with children to be aware of is that there is lots of swearing in this movie and drugs are used towards the end of the film. I give I Wanna Dance With Somebody 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. It releases in theaters December 23, 2022.

Are there inappropriate scenes in I Wanna Dance With Somebody? ›

The MPAA rating has been assigned for “strong drug content, some strong language, suggestive references and smoking.” The Kids-In-Mind.com evaluation includes several kissing scenes, discussions of infidelity, the death of a woman from a drug related drowning, a man's death from an unspecified health issue, a woman ...

Did Whitney Houston ever write a song? ›

Houston released her fifth studio album, entitled Just Whitney in December 2002. The singer co-wrote the lead single, "Whatchulookinat", which was co-produced by her husband, Bobby Brown. The song is a response to how Houston considered herself to be a victim of unwanted media attention.

Is it Whitney's voice in I Wanna Dance with Somebody? ›

All told, Ackie told Yahoo UK that she doesn't sing too much in the film and that “97.9% of it is Whitney.”

Is I Wanna Dance with Somebody on Netflix? ›

Whitney Houston was one of the greatest vocalists of all time and this new movie tracks her journey from obscurity to super stardom. Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody is now on Netflix.

Did I want to dance with somebody flop? ›

But Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody only making $23.7M domestically and a combined $59.8M worldwide I would say is shocking.

Do movie theaters actually check age? ›

Children under the age of 6 years old will not be admitted. Managers may empower Ushers to check for photo identification if a guest appears to be underage and is holding a ticket for an “R” rated feature.

Do cinemas check age? ›

We always follow national rules about film ratings, and if you're lucky enough to be looking younger than the film's rating, we'll have to ask to see some ID. Another reason you could be asked for ID is to make sure you're getting the right ticket for your film. Our ticket types can be found here.

Can you get into an 18 movie at 16? ›

No one younger than 15 may see a 15 film in a cinema. No one younger than 18 may see an 18 film in a cinema.

Can a 16 year old go to the movies alone? ›

You must be at least 17 years of age or have your parent accompany you to view the movie. IDs will be checked at the theatre.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.