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The Charismatic Charlie Wade by Lord Leaf _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Charismatic “Charlie Wade”

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The Charismatic Charlie Wade by Lord Leaf _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 01 Decorative lights and illuminants lit up the extravagant Wilson family mansion. Tonight was the 70th birthday banquet of Lady Wilson, the head of the Wilson family. Her grandchildren and their spouses gathered around her to hand her their luxurious gifts. “Grandma, I heard that you love the Chinese tea. I looked high and low for this century-old Pu’er tea worth half a million dollars to present it to you.”

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“Grandma, you are a devoted Buddhist. This Buddha statue is carved from the authentic Hetian jade, it is worth seven hundred thousand dollars…” Looking at the nicely wrapped gifts in front of her, Lady Wilson laughed heartily. The entire ambiance was harmonious and happy. Suddenly, Charlie Wade, Lady Wilson’s eldest grandson-in-law, spoke, “Grandma, could you lend me a million dollars, please? Mrs. Lewis from the welfare home is diagnosed with uremia and I need the money for her treatment…” The entire Wilson family gaped in extreme shock. 4 | Quizol PDF

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Everyone stared at Charlie with bewilderment and surprise. This live-in grandson-in-law was overly atrocious and bold! Not only did he not prepare a gift for Lady Wilson on her birthday but he actually had the audacity to ask her for one million dollars! Three years ago, Lord Wilson, who was still alive and well, had come home with Charlie one day and insisted on marrying him to their granddaughter, Claire Wilson. Back then, Charlie was as poor and miserable as a beggar. Lord Wilson had passed away after they got married. Ever since then, everyone in the 5 | Quizol PDF

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Wilson family tried to kick him out of the family. However, Charlie was always indifferent and nonchalant like a statue despite the insults and ridicule, and he spent his days in the Wilson family quietly as a live-in son-inlaw. He was at his wits’ end that he had to borrow money from Lady Wilson today. Mrs. Lewis, who had taken him in and saved his life, had uremia. She needed at least one million dollars for dialysis and a kidney transplant. He had no other ideas except for asking for Lady Wilson’s help.

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He felt that since it was her birthday today, she might be delighted to have some mercy and provide her assistance. However, Lady Wilson was still laughing gleefully when abruptly her lips curled downwards and his eyes furrowed indignantly. She hurled the teacup in her hand to the floor and growled, “B*stard! Are you here to celebrate my birthday or borrow money?” Claire hurried forward and said, “Grandma, Charlie is not thinking straight, please forgive him.” She then pulled her husband aside frantically.

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At this moment, Wendy, Claire’s cousin sneered in disdain. “Claire, look at the piece of trash you’re married to! Gerald is only my fiancé and we haven’t even gotten married yet but he gifted Grandma the jade Buddha. Look at your good-for-nothing husband. Not only did he come empty-handed but he also has the nerve to ask Grandma for money!” “You’re right! Charlie, we’re both the grandsons-in-law of the Wilson family but you’re such a disgrace!” The man who was talking was Gerald White, Wendy’s fiancé, who was also the son of the wealthy family in town.

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Although Gerald was about to marry Wendy, in his eyes, Claire was so much more beautiful and elegant than his fiancée. Claire Wilson was the famous goddess of beauty in Aurous Hill, but Gerald was very frustrated and irritated when such a beauty got married to a loser. “It’s best for this useless loser to get out of the Wilson family now!” “Yes! He is such a disgrace to our family!” “Perhaps his intention is not to borrow money but to spoil the joyful ambiance of Grandma’s birthday instead!”

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Charlie clenched his fists tightly as the entire Wilson family was humiliating and ridiculing him. If it wasn’t for the sake of the urgency, he would have left this annoying place. However, his father’s words echoed in his head. He had taught him to be grateful for the help he received and to return the favor tenfold. Hence, he suppressed the fury and humiliation slowly building within him and said to Lady Wilson, “Grandma, whoever saves one life saves the world entirely. Please, I beg for your mercy.” Someone in the room snorted loudly. “Mr. Wade, stop force-feeding chicken soup to Grandma. If you want to rescue someone, you 10 | Q u i z o l P D F

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can find a way on your own. Who do you think you are to ask for money from Grandma?” It was Wendy’s brother, Harold Wilson. The sinister brother and sister had always been prejudiced against Claire, who was superior to them in every aspect. Hence, they would always attack Charlie at any chance they could seize. Claire, who was wearing a slightly awkward expression on his face, started, “Grandma, Charlie’s father died when he was eight. It was Mrs. Lewis at the welfare home who had brought him up. He is utterly grateful of her graciousness and that is why he wants to 11 | Q u i z o l P D F

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return the favor so badly. Could you please help him…” Lady Wilson growled with an indignant face, “You want me to help him? Okay, divorce him now and marry Mr. Jones! If you do as I say, I’ll give him one million dollars right away!” The Mr. Jones that Lady Wilson was referring to was Wendell Jones, a man who was always pursuing Claire despite her married status. The Jones family was one of the prominent families in the upper social circle in Aurous Hill, which was much more powerful than the Wilson family. Lady Wilson had always wanted to get on their good side.

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At this moment, the butler sprinted in and said, “Mr. Jones sent a birthday gift to Lady Wilson! It is a Buddha talisman carved from the jadeite stone worth three million dollars!” Lady Wilson broke into a large smile and quickly blurted, “Bring it to me! Let me see!” The butler immediately presented the emerald green Buddha talisman which sent waves of exclamation across the living hall. The emerald talisman was crystal clear with its vibrant and sharp colors, without any trace of impurities. It was of the finest jade quality. Gerald, who had gifted the Buddha statue, gloomed in irritation instantly. He didn’t 13 | Q u i z o l P D F

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expect Wendell Jones, who had nothing to do with the Wilson family, to be so generous and lavish! Lady Wilson caressed the talisman cheerfully and said, “Oh, Mr. Jones is so sensible! It will be a sweet dream come true if he were my grandson-in-law!” Then, she lifted her gaze at Claire and asked, “So, how’s that? Do you want to consider my terms and conditions?” Claire shook her head decidedly. “No, Grandma. I will never divorce Charlie.” A dark stormy cloud instantly hovered beneath Lady Wilson’s eyes. She shouted 14 | Q u i z o l P D F

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angrily, “You ungrateful thing! What good is that loser? Why do you want to waste your time on him? Kick that loser out of my house! He is not allowed at my birthday banquet! I don’t want to see his face!” Charlie heaved a sigh of dismay and regret. He didn’t want to stay with the Wilson family anymore, so he said to Claire, “Claire, I’m going to the hospital to visit Mrs. Lewis.” Claire said quickly, “I’ll go with you.” Lady Wilson shouted again, “If you leave now, you’re no longer my granddaughter! You can take your mom, your dad, and that loser and get out of the Wilson family!”

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Claire stared at her grandmother, shocked. She did not expect to hear such a harsh comment from her. Charlie interjected, “You stay here, don’t worry about me.” Before Claire could compose herself from the trance, he turned and left. Harold laughed behind him. “Hey, my dear Charlie, if you leave with an empty stomach, will you go on the street and beg for food? If you do so, you’ll tarnish our family name! Here, I have a dollar, go buy a bun or something to eat!”

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Harold produced a one dollar from his pocket and threw it at Charlie’s foot. The entire family’s thunderous laughter echoed across the house. Charlie gritted his teeth in annoyance and left the house without looking back. *** When Charlie arrived at the hospital, he immediately went to the cashier department to try to negotiate an extension of payment for another two days. However, when he approached the nurses, he was informed that overnight, Mrs. Lewis had 17 | Q u i z o l P D F

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been transferred to Fairview Hospital, Eastcliff’s top hospital, for treatment. Charlie gaped in shock and quickly asked, “How much does it cost? I’ll find a way to settle it!” The nurse said, “The bill is three million dollars in total. One million dollars has already been paid, the remaining two million needs to be settled without a week.” “Who covered the one million dollars?” The nurse shook his head. “I have no idea.” Charlie frowned in confusion. Just as he turned around to figure it out, a man of 18 | Q u i z o l P D F

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about fifty years of age in a black suit with gray hair was standing behind him. They exchanged glances, and the man bowed before him and said, “Young Master! We’ve finally found you! Sorry for all the troubles and misery you’ve suffered for all those years!” Charlie furrowed and asked coldly as if he was a completely different person. “Are you Stephen Thompson?” The man gaped in surprise. “Young Master, you still remember me!” Charlie startled slightly and murmured, “Of course I do! I remember each and every one of you! You forcibly drove my mom and dad 19 | Q u i z o l P D F

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out of Eastcliff along with me and fled the city. My parents died along the way and I became an orphan. What do you want from me now?” Stephen grimaced sorrowfully and said, “Young Master, Lord Wade was very sad when he learned about your father’s death. He never stopped looking for you. Come, let’s go home and meet him!” Charlie said coldly, “Just go, I don’t want to see him.” Stephen said, “Young Master, are you still mad at your grandfather?”

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“Of course!” Charlie said loudly. “I’ll never forgive him in my entire life!” Stephen sighed dejectedly. “Before I came here, the Master did say that you will not forgive him.” “Good! Luckily he still has some senses in him!” Stephen continued, “Lord Wade knows that you’ve had a hard life for so many years and he’s asking me to compensate you. If you don’t want to go home, he will buy the largest company in Aurous Hill and give it to you. Besides, here, take this card, the pin number is your birthday.”

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Stephen handed over the premium black card from Citibank. “Young Master, there are only five of such cards in the country.” Charlie shook his head sternly. “No, I don’t want it, take it away.” “Young Master, Mrs. Lewis is still two million dollars in debt for her medical bills. If she doesn’t pay up, she might be in danger…” “Are you threatening me? Is this part of your sinister plan?” Stephen waved his hands frantically. “Oh no! We wouldn’t dare do such a thing! Keep the 22 | Q u i z o l P D F

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card, then you’ll have enough money to pay the bill.” Charlie asked, “How much is in this card?” “Lord Wade said that he deposited some pocket money for you in this card. It’s not much, just ten billion dollars!”

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Chapter 02 Ten billion dollars?! Charlie was shocked. His eyes wide open, his mouth wide agape. He knew that his grandfather was very wealthy, but back then, he was too young to understand the concept of money. He only knew that the Wade family was one of the wealthiest families in Eastcliff and even the country, but he wasn’t sure what his net worth was. Right now, he finally knew.

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If ten billion dollars were just pocket money, it meant that the entire Wade family had a net worth of more than one trillion dollars! Frankly speaking, at this moment, he was slightly touched and swayed. However, when he thought about his deceased parents and how his grandfather was part of the reasons why they had died, he knew he could never easily forgive him. Sensing his frustration, Stephen quickly said, “Young Master, you are one of the Wade family members, so the money is yours. Besides, technically speaking, it belongs to your father.”

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“The Master said that if you’re willing to go home, he will let you inherit the family’s onetrillion-dollar business empire. If you don’t want to go home yet, use this money for your living expenses.” “Oh yes, another piece of news—Aurous Hill’s largest and most profitable company, the Emgrand Group with a market value of one hundred billion dollars, had been wholly acquired by the Wade family yesterday. All the equities are now under your name, you can claim your right at the company tomorrow!” Charlie listened to him in a daze, completely in disbelief. 26 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Wasn’t it a little too much investment from the Wade family for his sake? A premium black card with a credit limit of ten billion dollars, Emgrand Group with the net worth of one hundred billion dollars! Although Aurous Hill was a land of talents, the only constant honorable existence was the Emgrand Group. It was the champ of Aurous Hill’s business industry! Any prominent and influential family had to bow before the Emgrand Group, including those families that humiliated him today—the Wilson family, the White family, and even the Jones family who was still trying to pursue his wife! They were

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nothing but lowly servants in front of Emgrand Group! And this magnificent company was his now? Stephen handed him a business card and said, “Young Master, you might need some time to calm down and think about it, so I’ll excuse myself now. This is my card with my number on it, please call me if you need anything!” At that, Stephen turned and left. Charlie was still in a daze after he left. He didn’t know whether he should accept the compensation from the Wade family.

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However, he recalled the past decade of misery and hardship and the humiliation he had experienced when he married Claire. This was the compensation that the Wade family was giving him for his suffering, so why shouldn’t he take it? Besides, Mrs. Lewis urgently needed two million dollars for her treatment. He gritted his teeth as he clutched on the card tightly, then turned back to the cashier department. “Hi, I would like to settle the bill.” The card was swiped, the password was keyed in, and the transaction was complete.

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Two million dollars was credited into the hospital’s account just like that. Charlie felt like he was still hovering in the clouds. Did he just become a billionaire in the blink of an eye? *** He went home in a trance. At this moment, the house was fueled with the wrath of fury. Claire and her parents did not live in the Wilson family villa but they stayed in an ordinary house instead. 30 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Since Claire married Charlie and after Lord Wilson died, they were kicked out of the villa. His mother-in-law was screaming in great dismay, “Charlie Wade, that loser! He’s such an embarrassment! If you don’t divorce him now, your grandma might kick you out of Wilson Group!” Claire said calmly, “If she does, I’ll just find another job.” “You…” Her mother growled angrily, “What’s so good about that loser, anyway? Why can’t you just divorce him and marry Wendell? If you marry Wendell Jones, our whole family can hold our head up high!”

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Her father added, “Your mom’s right! If you marry Wendell, our family will immediately become a precious treasure in the family. Your grandma will cherish you and pamper you every day!” Claire uttered, “Just stop. I won’t divorce Charlie.” “You!” Both parents had wanted to keep on persuading Claire when Charlie pushed the door open and walked in. His in-laws gave him a dirty look when they saw him.

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His mother-in-law snorted in disgust. “I thought you’d forgotten the way home, loser!” Charlie sighed quietly inside his heart. His mother-in-law had always looked down on him, but what would she do if she were to know that he was now the owner of Emgrand Group and had ten billion dollars in cash? However, this was not the time to reveal his true identity. He had left the Wade family for a long time now, who knew how was the family doing now? What if someone from the family targeted him if he exposed himself?

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Staying in the dark was the best option for now. Hence, he lowered his head and said humbly, “Mother, I’m sorry for all the troubles I’ve caused today.” His mother-in-law shouted, “Trouble? This is more than trouble, you’re putting us at stake! Can’t you have the slightest decency and get out of our house?” Claire hurriedly interjected, “Mom, how could you say that? Charlie is your son-in-law!” “Bullsh*t!” her mother growled, “I don’t have such a loser as my son-in-law! It’s better if he can go as far as he can!” 34 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Claire nudged Charlie and said, “Hurry, let’s go back to the room.” Charlie nodded gratefully and fled back to the room. They had been married for three years, but they had never consummated the marriage, not even once. Claire slept in bed while he slept on the floor at the side. Tonight, Charlie found it hard to fall asleep. What unfolded today was a real shock and consternation and he had yet to digest it. Before going to bed, Claire said, “How is Mrs. Lewis doing? I have about one hundred 35 | Q u i z o l P D F

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thousand dollars with me now, you can use it tomorrow.” Charlie said, “It’s okay. Someone paid her bill and transferred her to Eastcliff for treatment.” “Really?” Claire exclaimed in awe. “Wow! So, Mrs. Lewis will be fine then?” “Yes,” Charlie said, “Mrs. Lewis has done good deeds throughout her life and helped so many people. Now, someone is returning her favor.” “Glad to hear that.” Claire nodded with a smile. “You can have peace of mind now.” “Yes.” 36 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“I want to sleep now. There’s a lot to handle in the company lately, I’m exhausted.” “What’s happening in the company?” “It’s not doing very well lately. Grandma wants to collaborate with Emgrand, but Wilson Group is too weak as compared to their scale. They wouldn’t even bat an eye at us.” “Oh? Has there not been a collaboration between Wilson Group and Emgrand before?” Claire laughed sarcastically. “Of course not! What are we in the eyes of Emgrand? I bet we look like a speck of insignificant dust to them! Even Gerald’s family, Wendy’s fiancé’s family, could barely scratch the tail of 37 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Emgrand’s business empire. This is also why Grandma is eager for them to be married soon so the White family can help our family build some connections with Emgrand.” Charlie nodded knowingly. The Wilson family had used all the tricks up their sleeves to collaborate with Emgrand Group. However, Lady Wilson never would have thought that he owned Emgrand Group now… Thinking of this, Charlie decided to take over Emgrand Group and lend Claire a hand in her business. The Wilson family did not treat her fairly and they bullied her too much. As her 38 | Q u i z o l P D F

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husband, he had the responsibility to help her improve her status in the family. He said in his heart earnestly, ‘Claire, your husband is different now! I will not let anyone look down on you again! I will make the entire Wilson family bow down to you!”

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Chapter 03 The next morning, after preparing breakfast, Charlie rode his scooter to Emgrand Group’s office. He parked his scooter on the side of Emgrand’s parking lot. As soon as he locked his scooter, a black Bentley slowly parked in a spot across from him. He looked up inadvertently and saw a young couple getting out of the car. The man was wearing a branded suit, looking very handsome and smart. Meanwhile, the lady was dressed up in a flamboyant style. 40 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Although somewhat gaudy, she was considered a beauty. As it turned out, the lady was Wendy Wilson, Claire’s cousin, and the man was her fiancé, Gerald White. Charlie didn’t know why they were here, but he knew that the best way to avoid trouble was to stay away from them. However, the more eager he wanted to hide from them, the higher chances they would see him. Wendy caught sight of him from the corner of her eyes. She yelped loudly, “Hey, Charlie!”

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Wendy called out his name in a friendly manner, but Charlie felt goosebumps all over his back. Out of courtesy, he could only stop where he was and wait for them to approach him. He smiled and asked, “Wendy, hey, why are you here?” Wendy chuckled. “Oh, Gerald is here to see Doris Young, vice-chairman of Emgrand Group! I’m here to keep him company.” Then she turned to look at Gerald with affection and said, “The White family has a lot of projects with Emgrand Group. Not only would it help the White family but also our Wilson family in the future.” 42 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Charlie didn’t know that the White family was one of Emgrand Group’s business partners. After all, he had just taken over the company and he hadn’t had time to get through the details. He didn’t show anything unusual on his face. Instead, he simply said with a polite smile, “Mr. White is very talented and magnificent, both of you make a great couple!” Gerald glared at Charlie contemptuously, feeling a surge of anger within him. This loser had been scolded so badly by Lady Wilson yesterday in front of everybody, how was he able to smile like a clown as if nothing had happened today? 43 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Why did Claire, such a stunning and wonderful lady, marry such a loser? If this loser never existed, he would certainly have pursued Claire with great effort! Who would want to be engaged to Wendy, the girl who paled in comparison in every aspect? Gerald huffed a breath in dismay and asked in a pretentious tone, “Why are you here?” Charlie casually said, “I’m here to apply for a job.” “Apply for a job?” Gerald sneered disdainfully. “You? The loser who can’t do anything wants to apply for a job at Emgrand? Are you kidding me?” 44 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Charlie frowned. “What has it to do with you?” The reason why Wendy called Charlie in the first place was to humiliate him. Now that Gerald had started, she immediately mocked, “Why? Gerald is right, isn’t he?” “In terms of educational background, do you have any diplomas?” “In terms of skills and abilities, do you have any achievements or results to show them?” “Trust me, they wouldn’t even entertain a loser like you even if you’ve come to apply for a security job. Know your place, you’re better off going to the streets to scavenge for

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trash, you might earn two or three thousand a month at least!” Then, she hurled a water bottle to Charlie’s feet and smirked, “There you go, pick it up and sell it for money! Don’t say that I don’t care about you.” Gerald laughed sinisterly. “You are a piece of trash, but, we’re still relatives after all. I’ll have your back. It happens that I know the vicechairman of the Emgrand Group in person, why don’t I say a few good words on your behalf and see if she can arrange a toilet cleaning job for you?” Charlie curled his lips into a cold sneer and said, “What kind of job I’m applying for is 46 | Q u i z o l P D F

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none of your business, you should mind your own business instead. Emgrand Group is a big company, I believe they wouldn’t want to collaborate with lowly garbage like you.” Gerald’s face flushed with anger. “Who are you calling garbage?” Charlie replied disdainfully, “You, garbage!” Then, he turned and walked towards the building, ignoring Gerald’s indignant screams behind. “D*mn you! Stop! Stop right there, do you hear me?”

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Very soon, Gerald strode quickly and caught up with Charlie at the elevator hall. He wanted to teach Charlie a lesson, to give him at least two slaps on his face to let him know the consequences of offending him, but they were inside Emgrand Group’s building now. He was worried that the harsh action would tarnish his reputation and infuriate his business partner, so he had no choice but to dismiss the idea. He gritted his teeth and warned, “I’ll let you go today, but you won’t be so lucky next time!” Charlie snorted and walked into the elevator. Before the door closed, he said, “Gerald White, 48 | Q u i z o l P D F

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do you really think you’re so powerful? Trust me, you will soon know the price to pay for being so co*cky and arrogant!” “You little…” Gerald’s face turned into an ugly shade of red. He wanted to rush into the elevator but Wendy pulled his arms and said, “Gerald, don’t take the same elevator as that loser, we might suffocate from his stench.” He nodded, fully aware that it wasn’t wise for him to lay his hands here. Hence, he snorted coldly. “Huh, you’re lucky today. I’ll teach you a lesson next time!” *** 49 | Q u i z o l P D F

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In the elevator, Charlie went directly to the top floor where the chairman’s office was located. Stephen had already made all the arrangements for him here at Emgrand. The person in charge of the arrangements was a woman named Doris Young. Doris Young had earned her reputation as a renowned businesswoman in Aurous Hill. Not only was she a charming lady, but she was also extremely capable. She had been promoted to vice-chairman of the Emgrand Group at a young age. She was also among the factors behind the success of the company today. 50 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Now that Emgrand Group had been acquired by the Wade family, the former chairman had abdicated and Doris stayed back to assist the new chairman. Doris was quite shocked when she first saw Charlie. She didn’t expect to see such a young and charming man when she heard about him from Stephen! She quickly composed herself and greeted him respectfully. “Welcome, Mr. Wade. Please follow me to my office.”

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Chapter 04 This was also the first time Charlie had ever met Doris. He had to admit that Doris was a very stunning and alluring young lady! She was about twenty-seven or eight years of age with a slender yet plump body figure, captivating appearance, and a very mature and honorable manner. Sitting down in front of Doris’s desk, Charlie started, “I will not come into the office often, so I would like you to continue looking over the company on my behalf. In addition, 52 | Q u i z o l P D F

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please do not disclose my identity to the public.” Doris was aware that Mr. Wade, who was sitting in front of her now, came from the extraordinary Wade family. For a prominent family like theirs, Emgrand Group was nothing but a mediocre business, so it was normal for him not to manage it himself. Hence, she quickly said, “Sure. Mr. Wade, just tell me if you need anything, I’ll be at your service.” At this moment, a secretary knocked on the door and said, “Miss Young, a man called Gerald White and his fiancé are here to see you.”

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Doris said instantly, “I’m seeing a VIP now, let them wait.” Charlie asked, “Do you know Gerald White?” “Mr. White’s family is one of our partners and several of their major projects are linked to our company. They have said that they will be here to see me, they have been here several times too.” Charlie uttered in a cold voice, “From now on, Emgrand Group would no longer have any business dealings with the White family. Halt all ongoing and preparatory projects. If the White family still earns a dime from our company, I don’t need you as our vicechairman!” 54 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Doris startled in shock for a while, figuring that someone from the White family must have offended the man. So, she nodded vigorously and exclaimed, “Mr. Wade, don’t worry, I’ll now order my staff to stop all collaboration with the White family!” Charlie nodded satisfyingly and said, “Tell them that Emgrand Group has no interest in collaborating with lowly garbage, then ask the guards to kick them out.” *** Outside the office, Gerald and Wendy were waiting anxiously.

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The White family had always wanted to be the key players in the collaboration with Emgrand Group, so he hoped that he could build a good relationship with Doris Young and thus bring the family closer to the connection. However, the least expected thing happened. Doris’s secretary approached them with several guards. Gerald asked in confusion, “Hi, may I know if Miss Young is available to see us now?” The secretary glared coldly at him and said, “Sorry, our vice-chairman said that Emgrand Group has no interest in collaborating with

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lowly garbage like you. From now on, we will cancel all the projects with your family!” “What did you say?!” Gerald gaped in extreme shock and his jaw almost dropped to the floor. Why did he find the remark so familiar anyway? Oh, right! Charlie Wade said the exact same thing when they were in the parking lot! What did Doris Young mean by that? Did she really intend to halt all the collaboration with the White family? Gerald felt a surge of blood flooding her head, exploding inside. 57 | Q u i z o l P D F

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What happened? Canceled all projects? A large portion of the White family’s profits came from working with Emgrand! If Emgrand Group terminated their ties, didn’t it mean that the family’s net worth would be cut by half? No, he couldn’t accept such a cruel fact. He growled loudly, “I want to see Miss Young! I want to ask her in person!” The secretary simply glared at him coldly. “I’m sorry, Miss Young will not see you and you’re not allowed here in the future!” 58 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Gerald shouted in great dismay, “Are you freaking kidding me? We are a long-term business partner of Emgrand, it isn’t up to her to terminate our projects just like that! Don’t mess with us!” The secretary ignored his screaming and directed the security guards around her, “Kick them out!” The head of the security team immediately jumped on them. He grabbed Gerald’s wrist and twisted it hard behind him. Gerald yelped in pain and Captain Cooper snorted coldly. “Hurry and get out of here! If you dare make a scene at Emgrand Group, I’ll break you in half!” 59 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“You’re just a security guard, how dare you raise your voice at me? Do you know who I am?” Captain Cooper gave him a slap across his face instantly and shouted, “What are you in the face of Emgrand Group?” Gerald felt his face burning from the slap. He was about to burst in fury when his phone suddenly rang. It was his father. When he answered the call, a furious roar echoed from the other end of the line. “You b*stard! What did you do? Emgrand Group

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wants to terminate all projects with us! Who on earth did you offend?” Gerald whined sorrowfully, “No, Dad, that’s not true, I didn’t offend anyone. I just came here to see Miss Young, but I haven’t even seen her face yet…” Gerald’s father shouted again. “The people at Emgrand Group said that they’ve terminated their collaboration with us because of you, the lowly garbage! It’s all because of you that our family is suffering a great loss! Hurry and come back, explain this to your grandfather yourself!”

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Grabbing the phone in a daze, Gerald and Wendy were forcefully escorted out of Emgrand Group’s main entrance. Suddenly, Charlie’s face appeared in his mind. He turned to Wendy abruptly and asked, “Wendy, is it because of your loser cousin-inlaw? Does he have anything to do with Emgrand Group?” “Huh?” Wendy was obviously taken aback by Gerald’s remark. When she pondered the circ*mstances, it might indeed have something to do with the loser, but he was a loser! Thus, she shook her head and uttered firmly, “No, it is absolutely impossible that he has 62 | Q u i z o l P D F

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anything to do with Emgrand Group. He is not even qualified to clean their toilets!” “You’re right…” Gerald nodded numbly. He hung his head low when he thought about his angry father. “I have to return home right away…” Very soon, the news of the White family being kicked out by Emgrand Group spread throughout Aurous Hill like wildfire. No one knew of the reason, but they were certain that the White family must have offended Emgrand Group in some way. At this rate, the White family was considered gone. 63 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Their net worth had been cut short by more than half. They were originally close to the peak of the social ladder in the city, but after the incident, they instantly dropped down several levels and became a second-rate family in terms of social class. Lady Wilson was shaking with anger when she heard the news. She wanted to call off Wendy’s engagement with Gerald, but even after the termination, the White family was still more prominent than the Wilson family and she couldn’t afford to lose the ties, so she could only bear with it for the moment. *** 64 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Meanwhile, in Doris’s office, Charlie looked impressed and satisfied after he heard about the process. He highly appreciated her rapid and stern attitude in it. He said with a satisfied smile, “Doris, great job, you did well. Starting today, your salary will be doubled.” Doris gaped in astonishment. She stood up and bowed respectfully. “Thank you, Mr. Wade!” Charlie nodded and continued, “Also, I want you to make two announcements.” “Yes, please proceed.”

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“The first thing is to announce the change of Emgrand Group’s ownership and nomination of the new chairman, but don’t disclose my identity. Just say that he is one Mr. Wade.” “The second thing is the announcement of Emgrand Group investing two billion dollars to build a six-star hotel in Aurous Hill, and announcing the tender bidding for partners. Construction and interior decorating companies throughout the city are welcome to bid!” The main business of Wilson Group was interior design and construction. The old lady would dream of hopping on Emgrand’s cruise. Whoever could win the bidding with Emgrand 66 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Group would surely become the most soughtafter person in the company. Now that he owned Emgrand Group, he should offer his wife some sweet deals.

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Chapter 05 The two announcements released by Emgrand Group completely shook the entire Aurous Hill like a high magnitude earthquake. When the Wilson family learned about the ownership change in Emgrand Group, they figured out why the collaboration with the White family had been terminated. It seemed that Emgrand’s new owner didn’t think much of the White family. Back to the point, who was Mr. Wade? He simply bought Emgrand Group that was worth hundreds of billions of dollars without 68 | Q u i z o l P D F

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batting an eye—he was a little too powerful, wasn’t he? Even the richest man in Aurous Hill wouldn’t be so generous! All of a sudden, a lot of wealthy families were about to eagerly make a move. They wished to establish a connection with the mysterious Mr. Wade while on the other hand wished to marry their daughter to him. Moreover, the announcement about Emgrand Group’s investment of two billion dollars for the hotel construction project also shook the construction and interior decorating industries in Aurous Hill like a great force surging the ground! Two billion! 69 | Q u i z o l P D F

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They could make a lot of money even tendering scraps of the project! A lot of companies wanted a slice of the lucrative pie, including Lady Wilson, who loved money more than anything! Lady Wilson was over the moon at the moment. Two billion dollar project! This was the perfect opportunity for the Wilson family to get a contract from the mega project. It would bring their family to the next level! Hence, she called for an urgent family meeting at the mansion tonight to discuss ways to achieve a breakthrough in Emgrand Group’s mega project. Everyone had to attend!

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Later that night, at the Wilson family mansion, Charlie tagged along since Lady Wilson had asked for everyone’s participation. He knew about the old lady’s main agenda of the meeting, so he wanted to take this opportunity to boost Claire’s confidence! When Harold, Claire’s cousin, saw him at the mansion, he mocked disdainfully, “D*mn! Charlie Wade, you’re very shameless. Where did you find your courage to see Grandma now!” With an indifferent expression on her face, Claire uttered, “Stop your nonsense. Grandma asked everyone in the Wilson family to come.

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Charlie is my husband, so of course he is a member of the Wilson family too!” Harold laughed sarcastically. “He is part of the Wilson family? Haha! He is nothing but a livein son-in-law!” Charlie rubbed his nose in slight agitation and said to Claire, “Dear, just let him be, don’t argue with him. Let’s go in quick, Grandma is waiting for everyone.” Claire nodded and walked into the house without batting an eye at Harold. Harold’s face twisted in an irritated grimace, anticipating their embarrassment later.

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After entering the meeting room, Charlie and Claire found a place to sit in the corner. Very soon, Lady Wilson made a great entrance and the family meeting officially began. Lady Wilson sat on the head of the table. She knocked on the table and started cheerfully, “We, the Wilson family, have been waiting for a chance like this for so many years, a chance that will bring us to the next level, to the peak of the social pyramid in Aurous Hill! The chance is finally here now!” She continued loudly, “This time, Emgrand Group has announced a mega project of two billion dollars. If anyone can tender a project 73 | Q u i z o l P D F

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from it, it will bring great and lucrative benefits!” “Moreover, this is Emgrand Group’s first major project after its change of ownership. It is a great opportunity for us!” “If we can collaborate with Emgrand Group and leave a good impression on the new chairman, we will become very powerful and prominent in the future!” The attendees were rather indifferent and unpassionate as compared to Lady Wilson’s enthusiasm. In fact, it wasn’t anything new for the Wilson family wanting to collaborate with Emgrand 74 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Group. However, for the longest time, Emgrand Group had ignored the Wilson family’s request. What made Lady Wilson think that they could get a slice of the mega pie from them now? It was impossible. Annoyed by the silence, Lady Wilson’s face flushed with anger and she shouted furiously, “Why? Are you all dumb now? Do none of you have any confidence in taking a tiny slice of pie from the two billion dollars project?” Everyone exchanged nervous glances but no one dared to talk. Lady Wilson was getting more agitated now, she gritted her teeth and growled, “All of you listen to me! Whoever able to get a thirty 75 | Q u i z o l P D F

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million dollar deal from the Emgrand Group will be made the director of our company!” Everyone’s jaws dropped to the floor as if a bomb exploded in the room. Lady Wilson ruled the family and the company with an iron fist, so she had never once appointed a director in the company. After all, a director would have a lot of power in his hands that most of the time, only the future successor of the company would be qualified to hold the position. Now that she used the position as a reward, she must have hoped that she would find someone to do the job with the lucrative

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reward. It was certain that she was extremely eager for the project. Although the reward was very attractive, it was not an easy task to accomplish. To strike a deal with Emgrand Group and even get a thirty million dollar contract from it? It was the joke of the century in the eyes of the Wilson family members. Even if Lady Wilson herself went to talk to them, the executives wouldn’t even see her, let alone talk about a collaboration. The conference hall was as quiet as a church. Lady Wilson slammed the table furiously and shouted, “All of you are descendants of the 77 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Wilson family, can’t anyone of you solve the problem for your family?” Then, she turned and looked at Harold. “Harold, I’ll pass this job to you!” Harold managed a bitter laugh and quickly said, “Grandma, even the White family has been kicked out by Emgrand Group. Our family is a level lower than they are, how can we strike a deal with Emgrand…” Lady Wilson chided indignantly, “Rubbish! How dare you deny yourself before you even try! You are even more hopeless than the loser Charlie!”

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Actually, Lady Wilson had no confidence in this either, but she didn’t want to be the head of a family that was always at the second or third level of the social pyramid. She wanted the Wilson family to climb a rung higher even in her dreams. Emgrand Group’s mega project was her only chance to make her dream come true now. Therefore, she would not give up even if it was difficult. She thought that as the eldest grandson, Harold, would accept the task willingly, but unexpectedly, he had refused right in her face! Harold felt dejected and depressed as well. No one in their right mind would accept this 79 | Q u i z o l P D F

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impossible task. He was certain that he would be kicked out immediately even before he could walk through Emgrand Group’s door. At that time, not only would he fail on the task but he would also be ridiculed and mocked for his failure. That was why he could never agree with his grandmother’s order no matter what. Lady Wilson glared at the rest of the crowd and shouted loudly, “What about the rest of you? Is there no one who would dare take on this challenge?” At this moment, Charlie nudged Claire with his elbow and whispered, “Darling, accept the mission!” 80 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Claire shrieked in surprise, “Are you crazy? It is impossible for Emgrand Group to collaborate with a small company like us!” Charlie smiled lightly and said confidently, “Don’t worry, you’ll definitely strike the deal!” Claire’s eyes widened in surprise. “Are you sure?” Charlie nodded seriously and said, “Of course! I don’t think you have any problems at all! Trust me, seize the opportunity. Your status in the Wilson family will shoot up in the future!” Claire couldn’t explain why, but it was as if she was hypnotized by Charlie’s words. She stood up before she could digest what he 81 | Q u i z o l P D F

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said and said to Lady Wilson, “Grandma, I’m willing to give it a shot…”

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Chapter 06 Claire’s announcement sent a shock wave across the room, making everyone gape in extreme surprise! Everyone thought that Claire must be out of her mind! It was the worst time to stand under the limelight now! Other than failing miserably, there’s nothing else she could achieve! Emgrand Group was the largest company in Aurous Hill and the Wilson family was nothing more than an insignificant ant to them!

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Whoever took the challenge would only end up failing! Harold couldn’t help but mock sarcastically, “Claire, do you really think you can get a deal from Emgrand Group?” Wendy continued in the same mocking tone after her brother, “Claire, who do you think you are, what do you think Emgrand Group is? You being so reckless and irrational will only humiliate us, the Wilson family!” Someone else added, “Wendy is right! If she is kicked out by Emgrand Group, our family will be a laughing stock in Aurous Hill!”

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Blood rushed to Claire’s face and she felt her face burning in embarrassment. Her status in the family had plummeted since she married Charlie. Not only did the family members ignore her and elbow her aside but they also derided her parents. She felt that if she could strike that deal with Emgrand Group, she could consolidate her position in the family. The most important thing was that her parents could also stand up tall and be proud of who they were.

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But under the sarcastic comments and condemnation, she wanted to withdraw herself from her silly idea. She glared at Charlie in annoyance. How did he bewitch her and why did she listen to him? She shouldn’t have made such a silly suggestion in the first place… Lady Wilson was very angry as she listened to the audience’s verbal exchanges. No one dared to accept the task after she asked several times. Now that Claire courageously stood up to take the challenge, these people started ridiculing her!

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Lady Wilson had always disliked Claire, but at this moment, she was glad that Claire was at least willing to walk the impossible talk, unlike the rest of the members who were only good at giving her trouble! Especially her favorite grandson, Harold! He was such a disappointment! Because of this, Lady Wilson’s attitude towards Claire changed a lot. She said immediately, “Stop your nonsense, you cowards! I’ll pass the task of striking a deal with Emgrand Group to Claire!” Sheepishly, Claire mumbled, “Don’t worry, Grandma, I’ll try my best.”

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Harold puffed a breath from his nose and sneered coldly, “You try your best, and then what? You’ll embarrass us when you fail later!” Charlie asked in a mocking tone, “Harold Wilson, why do you taunt Claire like that? Do you think that the Wilson family is not qualified to collaborate with Emgrand Group?” Harold had never expected that the loser Charlie Wade dared to speak up during the family meeting, not to mention in such a high horse manner. Seeing the fury slowly burning on Lady Wilson’s face, he quickly explained, “No, I don’t mean it like that, I just think it is

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impossible for Claire to strike the deal! That’s all!” Charlie laughed in amusem*nt and asked, “What if she succeeds? Should we make a bet?” Harold grinned coyly. “Okay, let’s bet then! Do you think I’m scared of your little threat? What do you want to bet? Let’s hear you out.” Charlie said, “If Claire succeeds, you will grovel at my feet and admit that you’re wrong in front of everyone. If she fails, I will grovel at your feet and admit that I’m wrong. What do you think?”

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“Hahaha!” Harold laughed out loud. “You’re really digging your own grave, loser! Alright, I’ll take the bet!” Charlie nodded with satisfaction and uttered, “Everyone, all of you are our witnesses. Whoever goes back on the bet would have his father, mother, grandpa, and grandma die!” He intentionally emphasized the word ‘grandma’ loudly and clearly, for he didn’t want Harold to break their promise after he lost. Harold wouldn’t dare to go back on his words after such a statement. If he did repent, he would be cursing his grandmother, Lady

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Wilson, to die! Lady Wilson would not let him off the hook so easily! “Okay!” Harold thought that he was on the winning side, but what Harold didn’t know was that he was jumping right into Charlie’s trap. He laughed loudly and said, “Everyone, you’ll be my witness, I’ll wait for you to kneel before me!” Claire was startled by the entire event that she kept signalling to Charlie with her eyes, but he turned a blind eye to her. Lady Wilson couldn’t care less about the bet. Her only concern was whether the Wilson Group could take a spot in Emgrand Group’s collaboration list. If the deal was on, she 91 | Q u i z o l P D F

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wouldn’t even mind if Harold called Charlie his daddy, let alone kneel before him. Thus, she said calmly, “Okay, that’s all for today. Claire, you have three days to negotiate and strike the deal. Dismiss!” *** After returning home, Claire’s parents threw a fist at the young couple. Claire’s mother, Elaine Wilson, paced the living room agitatedly and said, “Claire, you’re crazy! How could you listen to the loser and accept the task without thinking it through?”

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Claire’s father, Jacob Wilson, turned to Charlie and chided, “Charlie, you hopeless loser, you’ve pushed my darling daughter right into the grave this time!” His face flushed in red as he continued, “If Claire fails this time, she will be elbowed by the rest of the family, and you! You’ll have to bow to Harold like a peasant in front of the whole family! My dignity will be ruined!” Charlie said earnestly, “Dad, Mom, everything will be alright if Claire succeeds in the negotiation and strikes the deal, am I right?” “Negotiate my a*s!” Jacob growled furiously, “Do you have any idea how powerful

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Emgrand Group is? They won’t even bat an eye at the mediocre Wilson family!” Charlie said with a smile, “Maybe someone will bat an eye at us, you don’t know that. Honestly, I have confidence in Claire, I think Claire will strike the deal easily.” Elaine sneered scornfully. “You think? Who are you, do you think you are the owner of Emgrand Group? You are nothing but a loser, a piece of trash, how do you dare be so ignorant and confident?”

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Chapter 07 Looking at her parents ridiculing Charlie, Claire sighed and said, “Dad, Mom, don’t blame Charlie for this. It was my idea, I just don’t want our family to be looked down on anymore. Haven’t we suffered enough all these years?” Claire’s mother blurted, “But still, you can’t take on such a task. It’s not just you—even if your grandma goes in person, they wouldn’t entertain her!” Charlie managed a bitter smile as he watched the bickering. He bet that his snobbish in-

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laws would never believe that he was the real owner of Emgrand Group. At this exact moment, there was a knock on the door. “I’m coming…” Elaine heaved a distressing sigh as she walked to the door and opened it. Charlie shifted his gaze to the door and saw a young man donning an Armani suit standing at the door. The man looked very charming and alluring with a Patek Philippe watch on his wrist, which seemed to be worth at least four million dollars.

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Elaine shrieked excitedly, “Hey, Wendell! Why are you here?” The man was Wendell Jones, the young man of the Jones family who had been pursuing Claire relentlessly. Wendell donned a smile and said, “Auntie, I heard about Claire’s negotiation with the Emgrand Group, so I’m here to give her some ideas.” “Wow, you really are our family’s life savior!” Elaine was very excited and thrilled, and she looked at him like she was looking adoringly at her son-in-law. She quickly welcomed him

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into the house and said, “Wendell, could you help Claire to win Emgrand Group’s contract?” Wendell nodded with a polite smile. He ignored Charlie entirely, treating him like a lowly ant. He walked straight to Claire and said gently, “Claire, why didn’t you tell me anything about this? This is huge. Anyway, don’t worry, my family has some connections with Emgrand Group. I’ll speak to my father, let’s see how we can help you with this.” Frankly, Wendell’s father wasn’t as influential as he claimed to be, but he was simply trying to win Claire’s heart by saying so. Claire knew that Wendell had feelings for her all along, so she said indifferently, “Wendell, I 98 | Q u i z o l P D F

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appreciate your kind offer, but no thanks, I’ll find a way myself.” Elaine gaped in bewilderment and chided, “Claire, are you crazy? Mr. Jones is kind and generous enough to pay you a visit and help you, how could you say such things?” Claire remained quiet, but Charlie asked Wendell intriguingly, “Mr. Jones, I’m curious, how can you help Claire? Emgrand Group is so big and I don’t think you’re much of an influence to them, right? And now you claim that you have a way to help Claire win the contract?” Wendell sneered contemptuously and said, “What do you know? The Jones family and 99 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Emgrand Group have always been cooperating partners for years. This time, our family can get at least one-third of their two billion dollar project! Until then, I’ll ask my father to allocate ten million dollars as a subcontract to Claire—mission accomplished, isn’t it?” Charlie gaped in surprise, “Wow! I didn’t know that the Jones family has such an intimate relationship with Emgrand Group!” Wendell sneered. “Of course! Everyone in Aurous Hill knows about that!” He then glared at Charlie disdainfully and uttered, “Charlie Wade, let me offer you a piece of advice. A frog in the well like you 100 | Q u i z o l P D F

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had better leave Claire now. A hopeless man like you can’t bring her happiness, you’ll only be her burden.” Claire said coldly, “I’m sorry, Mr. Jones, I don’t need your help and please watch your mouth!” Dumbfounded, Wendell said in disbelief, “Claire, I’m helping you, why are you still taking this loser’s side? Why are you so protective of him?” Claire said in a serious tone, “He’s not a loser, he’s my husband!” A gloomy cloud hovered over Wendell’s face. He growled furiously, “Okay! You asked for it, do as you please! I want to see how you’re 101 | Q u i z o l P D F

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going to solve this problem! Don’t come crying at me for not giving you a chance later on when you fail!” Then, Wendell turned around, slammed the door, and left. Elaine went after Wendell hurriedly, but he was long gone. She slapped her thighs indignantly, pointed at Charlie’s nose, and screamed, “You! How dare you! What else can you do besides being Claire’s burden? Mr. Jones had kind-heartedly lent a hand but you chased him away!” Charlie said flatly, “Mom, he’s all talk. He can’t even win a contract with Emgrand, how can he help Claire?” 102 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“Bullsh*t!” Elaine scolded, “What do you know, you ignorant fool! The Jones family can get one-third of the two billion dollar contract!” Charlie was inexpressive but deep in his heart, he was grinning as he thought, ‘I don’t know how powerful the Jones family is, but I know that my Emgrand Group will never have any connection with them anymore! Even if they did work together on many projects previously, from now on, all of this will be terminated!’ Of course, Claire couldn’t read her husband’s mind. She turned to her mother and said, “Mom, don’t blame Charlie. Just wait until I return from Emgrand Group!” 103 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“Huh!” Elaine sighed in great dismay, feeling that God was unfair to her. She had married a useless husband, while her daughter had married an even more useless man! What had she done to end up like this!

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Chapter 08 The next morning, Claire brought the file filled with proposals that she had prepared overnight and went to the Emgrand Group office with Charlie. Standing in front of the 100-story building, Claire suddenly felt as if her heart was hollow and empty. How could such a magnificent company like Emgrand collaborate with the Wilson family? Not to mention that they were aiming for a thirty million dollars deal.

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It was like a beggar approaching a wealthy man and asking for a thirty million dollar change. It was absolutely ridiculous. However, she had promised her grandmother and accepted the challenge in front of everyone, so she had to go for it no matter what… Sensing her anxiety, Charlie stroked her head tenderly and said, “Dear, don’t worry, go ahead, you’ll make it. Trust me.” Claire sighed dejectedly and murmured, “Alright, let’s hope so! Wait for me here.” She took a deep breath and walked through the door. 106 | Q u i z o l P D F

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As he watched her walking in, Charlie took out his phone and called Doris. “Doris, my wife is going up to see you as we speak. You should know what to do!” “Yes, Mr. Wade. Don’t worry, I’ll fulfill your missus’s every request.” “By the way, I heard that Emgrand Group has a rather close connection with the Jones family. Is that true?” “Yes, we did have a lot of projects with them, completed and ongoing. They wish to collaborate with us again on this new megaproject and they’ve submitted the

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proposals and materials for my review. However, it is up to you to decide, Mr. Wade.” Charlie said coldly, “I don’t want the Jones family to be involved in the new project and any other projects in the future.” “Yes, sure. Don’t worry, I’ll do as you say!” *** Meanwhile, Claire walked into Emgrand Group’s office building and waited for her appointment at the front desk. She didn’t even know if Doris Young, the company’s vice-chairman, would like to see her.

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Not long after, a graceful female assistant approached her and began, “Hi, are you Miss Claire Wilson? Miss Young is waiting for you in her office, please follow me.” Claire nodded in a trance. She was still waiting in line to make an appointment, how did Miss Young know she was here and call her in already? Could it be that Doris Young knew she was coming? It didn’t make sense though…how could a prominent individual like Doris Young know about her?

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Although she couldn’t figure it out, she might as well grab the rare opportunity as she was given. She quickly followed the assistant and she was escorted directly to Doris’s office. Doris stood up from her chair and greeted Claire respectfully. “Hi, Miss Wilson, I’m Doris Young, vice chairman of Emgrand Group, nice meeting you.” Claire was a little nervous as she met the most famous businesswoman in Aurous Hill. She spoke, her voice trembling anxiously but staying calm, “Hello, Miss Young, thank you for seeing me. I’m here to talk to you about the hotel project. Although Wilson Group is not as strong and prominent as other 110 | Q u i z o l P D F

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companies, I can assure you that we work very hard and have established a very positive reputation in the interior design and decoration industry!” She handed over a document file and continued, “Miss Young, this is Wilson Group’s portfolio, please have a look.” Doris smiled gently and took the document from her. After a brief glance, she said immediately, “Miss Wilson, I’ve seen your documents, I think you are the perfect partner for us.” “Really? Is it true?” Claire gaped in bewilderment. Why did it go so quickly and smoothly? It was a little too easy, wasn’t it? 111 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Doris said with a smile, “Of course. I admit that Wilson Group does not match our requirements and qualifications, but our chairman thinks highly of you and he is willing to give it a shot.” “Your chairman?” Claire said in a shocking tone, then asked, “May I know who your chairman is? ” Doris smiled faintly. “Our chairman is Mr. Wade from Eastcliff.” “Mr. Wade?” Claire frowned in confusion. “I don’t think I know anyone by the last name of Wade except for my husband.” 112 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Doris nodded gently. Charlie had ordered her not to disclose his identity, so she could only say that much. Other than Charlie Wade, Claire didn’t know anyone by the last name of Wade, but she would never have guessed that her useless husband, who was an orphan, would be the Mr. Wade that Doris was referring to. Then, Doris added, “Miss Wilson, I see in your proposal that your quotation for the agreement is thirty million dollars?” Claire nodded anxiously and asked timidly, “Is it too much?”

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Doris smiled and answered, “Oh no, it is actually less than what we have budgeted for.” Claire furrowed curiously. “What do you mean?” “Our chairman told me to increase the quotation to sixty million dollars.” In the middle of the conversation, Doris retrieved a contract and handed it to Claire. “Look, we’ve drafted the contract in advance for a total of sixty million dollars. If you have no problem with it, we can sign the contract now.” “Huh? This…”

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Claire gaped, dumbfounded. She had never expected that Emgrand Group, which seemed so unreachable from Wilson Group’s perspective, would prepare the contract beforehand! Moreover, the amount had doubled! Grandma’s goal for the project was 30 million dollars, but the contract literally stated 60 million dollars in black and white! Suddenly, she recalled her husband’s serious and earnest face when he had asked her to accept the task at the family meeting the previous night.

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Why was he so confident? When they were at Emgrand Group’s entrance, she was very doubtful and pessimistic, but he seemed so positive and undaunted. Could it be that he had known the outcome all along? Who was he...

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Chapter 09 For an instant, an abrupt and outlandish thought appeared in Claire’s mind. The Mr. Wade that Doris mentioned—could he really be her husband, Charlie Wade? When she processed it again, she found it to be too preposterous. How could it be! Charlie was an orphan who grew up in a welfare home! However, who else in the world would treat her so well besides Charlie? 117 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Thirty million dollars was an extravagant hope, but they gave her sixty million… She couldn’t help but asked curiously, “Miss Young, may I know if your chairman is Charlie Wade?” Doris’s heart skipped a beat. The boss had already demanded her to keep his identity secret, only to reveal his last name to the public. She would be blamed if his wife guessed it! She shook her hands frantically and said, “Miss Wilson, I hope you can drop it. Our chairman is the descendant of a prominent family in Eastcliff. His identity is highly confidential and I have no right to disclose it.” 118 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Claire nodded gently. She composed herself upon the mention of the descendant in Eastcliff. Charlie was an orphan, he was definitely not a so-called descendant from a prominent family. Indeed, she was overthinking it. *** Claire still felt a little dizzy and confused when she exited Doris’s office. She was holding a sixty million dollar contract between Wilson Group and Emgrand Group in her hand. Everything unfolded like a dream. 119 | Q u i z o l P D F

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As soon as she saw Charlie at the entrance, she rushed to him excitedly and said, “Charlie, I did it! I did it!” Charlie grinned in his heart and thought, ‘Your husband is the owner of Emgrand Group, of course you’d get the deal.’ However, he pretended to be surprised and said, “Wow! You managed to strike the deal for such a tough project! Dear, you’re so incredible!” “Not really, it’s not that I’m good at it, but it seems that they had given the project to me for free.”

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“Huh?” Charlie donned a confused look. “Why do you say that?” Claire was afraid that Charlie would be jealous if she told him about the chairman’s intention, so she quickly diverted his attention and said, “It’s a long story. Let’s go back to the office now and tell everyone the good news!” Charlie laughed. “Okay! This time, that b*stard Harold must honor the bet and kneel before me!” Claire nodded. “Yes! He is always so snobbish and arrogant, let’s give him a taste of his own medicine!”

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Truth be told, Claire had her own temperament too. Harold and the rest of the family members had always looked down upon her and her husband, but now that she struck the impossible deal, she intended to tame them to be a little bit more humble. Ten minutes later, they arrived at Wilson Group. Everyone was sitting in the conference room, looking strange and peculiar. They knew that Claire had gone to Emgrand Group early in the morning, but no one believed that she could make it, they were here to make fun of her.

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Unexpectedly, she came back way earlier than they anticipated. When Claire and Charlie entered the conference room, everyone was looking at them with a sneering and sarcastic look. Harold started ignorantly, “Hey, Claire, you’ve come back in half an hour, huh? You couldn’t even get through their door, am I right? Hahaha!” Wendy continued, “Claire, you’ve failed in less than an hour. Breaking a world record, I see!” A gloomy cloud hovered over Lady Wilson’s face. She was annoyed. She knew that the project and Emgrand Group were difficult to 123 | Q u i z o l P D F

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tackle, but Claire should at least be serious and determined even if she failed! How could she give up so easily? Lady Wilson glared at her and growled, “Claire Wilson, you disappoint me.” Charlie frowned at their reactions. Could they be more disgusting than this? They were ridiculing and chiding Claire without knowing the results yet! Especially Harold Wilson, the co*cky b*stard! Who did he think he was? How could he be so pompous? He should be getting ready to kneel before him!

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Claire was initially very excited and thrilled, but facing the crowd’s mocking and teasing, the wrath of fury was burning inside her. She furrowed and said, “I’m sorry to let you down, but I’ve struck a deal with Doris Young of Emgrand Group!” “What? You did it?” “No! No way! Impossible! You couldn’t even meet Doris Young!” Everyone recoiled in shock. “Claire Wilson, do you think we’ll buy it?” Harold regained his composure, slapped the table and said furiously, “Miss Young of 125 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Emgrand Group is a renowned elite in the city, why would she want to meet you? Are you not clear about who you are?” Facing everyone’s doubts and accusations, Claire retrieved the contract and handed it to Lady Wilson. “This is the contract. Please take a look at it.” The contract was like a bomb that exploded in the middle of the conference room, sending shock waves across everyone in the room! Harold still refused to believe it, he shouted loudly, “She must have forged the document! I don’t believe that she can handle Emgrand Group!” 126 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“He’s right!” Wendy added in great dismay. “Who does she think she is to strike a deal with Emgrand? It is a thirty million dollar project! If she can do it, I would’ve already gotten the deal a long time ago!” Claire sneered. “My cousin, you’re wrong, it’s not thirty million dollars, it’s sixty million!” “No way!” Wendy grinned. “Sixty million dollars contract? You find it funny to lie like that, don’t you? You think we’re all fools, don’t you? If you say the deal is sixty million, I can tell everyone that I’d get a hundred million dollar contract!”

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Harold curled his lips in disdain and said, “Claire, you’re treating Grandma and us like fools!” He then turned to Lady Wilson and said, “Grandma, this is outrageous! You can’t let her go just like that!” Lady Wilson was so angry she was gritting her teeth indignantly. She already felt it was feeble to strike a thirty million dollar deal, but Claire came back half an hour later saying that the contract was worth sixty million dollars… Did the young lady really play her for a fool in front of so many people?

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Did she really think that, as the head of the family, she could be bullied like this? If she didn’t kick the rebellious girl out of her family, how could she control the family in the future? Furrowing furiously, Lady Wilson slapped the table and shouted, “Claire Wilson! Go to the HR department immediately to proceed with your resignation!” Claire gaped in extreme bewilderment. Were these people out of their minds? How hard could it be to just flip the contract open and take a look at it?

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At this moment, someone shouted abruptly, “D*mn! The official social media account of Emgrang Group has just released a statement! The sixty million dollar contract is real!”

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Chapter 10 Everyone was stunned upon the sudden roar. Everyone hurriedly took out their phones and searched for Emgrand Group’s official social media account! Indeed! The certified official account of Emgrand Group had posted the latest statement! A shock wave swept the conference room as the post was announced! Claire really did strike the deal! With twice the intended total value! 131 | Q u i z o l P D F

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It only took half an hour! How was it possible? How was it so easy? It didn’t make any sense! Harold was feeling shocked and regretted! Before today, Claire Wilson was incomparable to himself in terms of status or identity. If he had accepted the task yesterday, he would not give Claire a chance to shine herself regardless of the results! Yet, he refused because he feared that he would fail!

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He refused the mission, but the crucial point was that Claire had succeeded! It was like a loud slap to his face! Instantly, Lady Wilson picked up the contract excitedly and started reading it. Then, she let out a loud laugh. “Good! Good! Very good! Claire, you’ve done an excellent job!” After that, she asked, “How did you do it?” Claire answered, “It is all thanks to Miss Doris Young. She thinks highly of us, the Wilson family.” Claire wanted to be truthful, but after a second thought, she didn’t even know who 133 | Q u i z o l P D F

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the chairman of Emgrand Group was. No one would believe her if she said the truth. Upon hearing this, Harold felt as if his heart had been stabbed a million times and he wanted to die! It was no wonder Claire could win the contract! It turned out that Doris Young of Emgrand Group herself thought highly of the Wilson family! Did it mean that it wouldn’t have mattered who had gone, after all?

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He berated himself for missing such a great opportunity! At this moment, Charlie spoke, “Harold, do you still remember our bet?” In an instant, Harold’s face twisted in a disdainful grimace. How could he forget about the bet? Whoever lost the bet must grovel at the other party’s feet. Claire had won the contract, so it was obvious that he had lost… ‘No! No way! How can I grovel at that loser’s feet! Over my dead body!’ 135 | Q u i z o l P D F

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He gritted his teeth and sneered. “Charlie Wade, who the h*ll do you think you are? You are just a useless toyboy who married into our family! Do you expect me to bow before you?” Charlie said flatly, “Yes, indeed, I’m a useless toyboy, but remember, we took an oath yesterday. Whoever breaks their promise would have his mother, father, grandpa, and grandma die!” Again, he deliberately emphasized the word ‘grandma’. Sure enough, a layer of black covered Lady Wilson’s face!

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She glared at Harold and asked coldly, “What about it? Do you really want me to die?” Harold panicked and blurted, “Grandma, don’t fall for his trick! He just wants to humiliate me and to deride you!” Charlie said calmly, “Harold, don’t you try to fool Grandma now. Don’t forget that you’ve made a vow. If you go against it, you’ll be condemned. Do you want to curse Grandma?” “Grandma, we were just joking, you can’t take it seriously!” Lady Wilson wore an inexpressive look on her face and said, “You know that I’m a devoted

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Buddhist. How dare you break the promise after swearing to God?!” “Grandma…” Harold genuinely panicked now, because it was clear that his grandma was really angry! Seeing Harold’s reluctance in keeping his promise that involved herself to save his face, Lady Wilson slapped the table fiercely and yelled, “Are you determined to break your oath now?” “Grandma, I…” Harold stuttered hesitantly. In his mind, he made a quick deduction.

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If he abided by the betting rule and admitted his defeat to Charlie, he would lose face. But if he went against the bet and enraged his grandma, he would lose everything he had in the Wilson family! He would lose more than his face! No matter how reluctant he was, he gritted his teeth and muttered, “Alright! I’ll keep my promise!” Charlie glanced at him quietly with a smile, waiting for him to come and kneel before him. Harold felt as if his legs were filled with lead. He strode slowly and with difficulty as he moved towards Charlie. 139 | Q u i z o l P D F

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He was so agitated that his whole body was shivering, clenching his teeth annoyingly. But then, his legs went jelly and he knelt on the ground. Thump! Some of the busybody onlookers even quietly retrieved their phones and aimed it at them. Harold bowed his head and said with a loud yet trembling voice, “I’m sorry!” Then, he leaned over and knocked his head against the floor. Charlie uttered, “What did you say? I can’t hear you, speak louder and clearer.” 140 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Enduring the humiliation, Harold bowed his head again and shouted, “I’m sorry!” Charlie sneered, “Oh, you’re sorry. What are you sorry for?” Inside Harold, he wanted to kill and shred Charlie into a million pieces, but there was still one last bow. Thus, he bit his lips and said, “I shouldn’t have doubted Claire’s ability…” Another bow to the floor! Charlie felt a dash of spring breeze surging through his body!

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He had been holding a grudge against Harold for a long time. Now that he had the opportunity to make Harold kneel on the floor like a dog and admit his mistakes, he felt so refreshed and excited! Claire’s eyes widened in astonishment as she watched the entire event unfolding, suddenly feeling that her husband was different from before! However, she couldn’t really tell what the difference was. When she recalled the confident look on Charlie’s face when he had made the bet with Harold yesterday, she couldn’t help but

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wonder if he had already known that she would succeed. Where and why did he have such strong confidence all of a sudden?

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Chapter 11 After the three bows, tears were swirling in Harold’s eyes but he didn’t dare to do anything rash now. He knew that his grandma was very disappointed and agitated at him now, so no matter what, he shouldn’t enrage her any further. Lady Wilson heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Harold bowing and admitting defeat. She didn’t wish for his precious grandson to bow his head at Charlie the loser, but they had made a bet that involved her. 144 | Q u i z o l P D F

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She was a very devoted Buddhist. If Harold didn’t keep his promise, she would certainly be so afraid of the retribution and karma to come at her that she would have trouble eating and sleeping. Thus, she looked at Harold and said flatly, “Harold, treat these three bows as a lesson for you. Next time, don’t bet on something that you have no absolute certainty of. Even if you wish to make a bet, keep your family out of it!” With a pouty face, Harold grumbled, “Okay, Grandma, I know better now. I’ll never do it again…”

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As he spoke, his eyes glared towards Charlie viciously, thinking, ‘You b*stard! How dare you force me to kneel and bow before you. You made me lose face today, I swear I’ll get right back at you sooner or later!’ Then, Lady Wilson stated, “It is a joyful day today, now that Claire has won the contract. Come on everyone, we must hurry and make our preparations now. We must take this opportunity to build a good partnership with Emgrand Group!” Charlie reminded, “Grandma, since Claire has succeeded in striking the deal, don’t you think you should announce the appointment of

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Claire as the director of the company as you’ve promised?” Lady Wilson arched her eyebrows, thoughts were running in her mind. She did say that whoever won the contract would be appointed as the company’s director. However, Claire was not her favorite all this while. Her loser husband had always irritated her too and some ideas were slowly brewing in her mind again. What if Claire got out of her control after she was appointed such a high position in the company? What would she do then? 147 | Q u i z o l P D F

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In that instant, she wanted to withdraw her promise. After all, she didn’t swear on an oath when she made such a promise, so she wouldn’t feel bad at all if she took it back. However, saying such a statement right after Claire struck the deal would be unwise, so she said, “Let’s do this instead. Tomorrow night, I’ll hold a banquet, inviting all the prominent and influential people in Aurous Hill to the party. At the banquet, I’ll officially announce our collaboration with Emgrand Group and the appointment of the new director.” Charlie was relieved with satisfaction after Lady Wilson’s statement.

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Claire also smiled, reassured. Finally, the position of the director was hers. She didn’t have to be elbowed and isolated anymore, and her parents could finally stand upright and be proud! Lady Wilson turned to look at Claire and said, “Claire, I need you to do something for me.” “Yes, Grandma, what is it?” “I want you to contact the chairman of Emgrand Group and invite him to attend tomorrow’s banquet.” After a pause, she continued with anticipation, “If he is able to attend our banquet, it will be an extravagant boost to our family! It will also 149 | Q u i z o l P D F

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push our name out to the public, making us more famous!” Claire pondered for a while and said hesitantly, “But… I only met Doris Young, the vice-chairman, I didn’t see the chairman himself…By the way, don’t you think it’s a little too deliberate to organize the banquet when we’ve just gotten the contract…” “So what? I want to tell the whole Aurous Hill that we’re now bound to Emgrand Group. We’re going to be very successful and rich!” Lady Wilson continued, “Even if their chairman doesn’t want to come, you can invite Doris Young, it’s the same. She is the second person in charge of Emgrand Group, 150 | Q u i z o l P D F

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she would also be an honorable guest to have at our banquet.” She was already grinning in excitement when she thought of it. She felt her body pumping with hot blood when she imagined how those big cooperates and families who had discriminated against the Wilson family would have to humble themselves and serve under the Wilson family. The Wilson family would become more brilliant and lavish in her hands! Claire pondered for a moment before answering gingerly, “Okay, I understand, I’ll try…”

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“Don’t try it! You must!” Claire nodded reluctantly, then turned to Charlie and whispered, “What should I do? What if the chairman doesn’t attend? What if Doris Young doesn’t want to come too?” Charlie chuckled and said, “Just try and see. You have Doris Young’s number, don’t you? Maybe she’ll agree as soon as you call her, who knows?” The purpose of the banquet was not only to demonstrate the strength of the Wilson family but also to announce Claire’s promotion to the director.

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As her husband, it would be a joyful event to support his wife and to celebrate her promotion. At this time, Claire didn’t know that her husband was the chairman of Emgrand Group. She fidgetted her fingers anxiously and sighed before saying, “He is the chairman of Emgrand, I heard that he is some young master from an extremely wealthy family in Eastcliff. This kind of person must be very busy with his daily business, how would he be able to spare the time to attend some whatnot banquet…” Charlie laughed and said, “I don’t think so. Perhaps he’s someone who spends his time 153 | Q u i z o l P D F

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with his wife at home every day, cooking and doing the laundry all day long. Who knows?” Claire rolled her eyes at him and teased, “Do you think everyone is like you?” Charlie nodded. “Yes, maybe the boss of Emgrand Group is just like me…” Claire pursed her lips and snorted, “Cut it out! That’s impossible!”

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Chapter 12 Assuming that Charlie was simply joking, Claire didn’t take it seriously. She walked aside and dialed Doris’s number. Soon, the call was answered. Doris’s sweet and pleasing voice resonated from the other end of the line. “Hello, Miss Wilson.” “Hi, Miss Young. I have a favor to ask from you,” Claire said timidly. “Okay, what is it?” Doris replied.

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Claire rehearsed the sentence in her head once again, taking a deep breath before she said determinedly, “May I know if the chairman is available tomorrow night? My family will be organizing a banquet tomorrow to officially announce our collaboration with Emgrand Group. I hope that the chairman would kindly accept my invitation…” There was silence at the other end of the line before Doris spoke again, “Miss Wilson, I’m sorry but I cannot make the decision on behalf of my chairman. Or, perhaps I could ask him for you, would that be alright?” Claire said respectfully, “Thank you, sorry for the trouble caused.” 156 | Q u i z o l P D F

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After the call was ended, Claire held her phone nervously, anticipating her reply. Right at this moment, Charlie’s phone suddenly rang. Charlie was taken aback, quietly cursed himself for forgetting to mute his phone. It must be Doris who was calling to ask for his opinion… He pretended to answer the phone calmly and mumbled, “Yes?” As expected, Doris’s voice came from the phone, “Mr. Wade, Wilson Group will be holding a banquet tomorrow night. I would

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like to ask if you would want to attend the banquet.” Charlie replied, “Oh, is that so? Okay, I will…Alright, that’s it, bye…” Then, he quickly hung up the call and mumbled, “These marketing spam calls are really annoying…” Claire didn’t suspect anything, but very soon, her phone rang again. Doris’s voice echoed into her ear again. “Hello, Miss Wilson, our chairman has agreed to your invitation, he’ll drop by the venue then!”

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“Huh! Really…that’s great…thank you so much for your help. Please thank Mr. Chairman on my behalf too…” Claire muttered in disbelief followed by an excited shriek. She didn’t expect that the chairman would actually agree to come. She hurriedly turned to Lady Wilson and said delightedly, “Grandma! The chairman of Emgrand Group has agreed to come!” “Really!?” Lady Wilson was extremely thrilled! She turned and ordered the family members on the floor immediately, “Quick, make the necessary preparations! Book the most luxurious hotel, order the best meals and

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drinks! Let’s make it big to welcome the chairman of Emgrand Group!” “Next, contact all the big companies in the city and invite them to our banquet! Inform them that Emgrand’s chairman will be there!” Then, the office became very busy with everyone bustling here and there to make phone calls! Everyone was stoked, constantly contacting their business partners and the high-profile figures of Aurous Hill. The news exploded like an atomic bomb in the city that it spread like wildfire!

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In the blink of an eye, everyone in the Aurous Hill knew about Wilson Group’s banquet. The mysterious chairman of Emgrand Group would appear at the Wilson family’s banquet tomorrow night! Lady Wilson responded to the countless inquiries over the phone with a wide smile on her face. She was over the moon right now, because she knew that after tomorrow’s banquet, the Wilson family would surely become the most sought-after family in Aurous Hill!

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She giggled earnestly and said, “Okay, that’s it for today. Start preparing for tomorrow’s banquet. Dismiss!” After the meeting, Lady Wilson returned to her office. Harold looked around sheepishly and quickly followed her. “Grandma, do you really want to appoint Claire as the director?” Harold couldn’t help but speak directly when there was no one around. Lady Wilson frowned and said in a cold voice, “I’ve promised Claire, why can’t I appoint her?” 162 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“Grandma, you can’t make her the director!” “Why? She has won such a lavish contract. Her contribution is significant and important and she deserves it.” “She was only able to win the Emgrand contract because Wendell of the Jones family helped her. I heard that Wendell had gone to her place yesterday and Emgrand Group signed a contract with us today. The coincidence is quite odd, don’t you think? From what I see, she must have spent the night with Wendell Jones!” Lady Wilson’s face slowly turned into a shade of brewing rage. “Is that true?”

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Harold uttered firmly, “Of course it’s true! Wendell did go to see Claire last night. You’ll know if you look into it.” He then continued, “Grandma, Claire is a married woman. If the skeleton in the closet is revealed, with people knowing this is how we had won the contract with Emgrand, what would they say about the Wilson family? What would they say about you?” Lady Wilson’s frown wrinkled even deeper, buying Harold’s lie. She knew about Wendell’s feelings towards Claire.

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During her birthday, Wendell had given her a jade talisman worth three to four million dollars. It could also explain why Claire was able to win the sixty million dollar contract. Sensing the change in Lady Wilson’s expression, Harold quickly continued, “If you appoint such a shameless woman as the director, our reputation will be tarnished! At a time like this, you must appoint another person as the director and give that person the credit of the contract too. The best choice would be a man, it’s the best way to avoid gossip!”

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Lady Wilson nodded slightly, pondering upon his suggestion. She believed 80% of Harold’s lies. Considering the circ*mstances, she should choose another candidate as the director to eliminate the rumors and gossip. If the public were to know that Claire had won the contract because of her affair with Wendell, she could state that the new director had won the project instead of it being the product of Claire’s affairs. Moreover, the old lady was biased too.

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Honestly, she didn’t like Claire! In addition, she was a conservative woman with patriarchal thinking. She didn’t like the idea of Claire slowly growing her influence and power in the Wilson family. She must stop her growth within the family to consolidate the Wilson family’s assets. She had made up her mind silently as her thoughts ran wild. She looked at Harold and said coldly, “Harold, from now on, you must listen to me. Do what I tell you to do, and don’t do the things that I tell you not to do, do you understand?”

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Harold stood upright and said, expressing his loyalty, “Don’t worry Grandma, I’ll follow your orders like a loyal servant. I’ll go wherever you point, I’ll do whatever you say!” “Okay.” Lady Wilson nodded and continued, “At the banquet tomorrow, I’ll announce that you’re the new director and will be fully in charge of the project with Emgrand Group. But remember, you must be obedient and faithful. I can hold you up, but I can also bring you down!” Harold shrieked gleefully and said, “Don’t worry, Grandma! I’ll be a good boy!”

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Chapter 13 Claire’s heart was still thumping excitedly when she exited Wilson Group’s office. Grandma would officially announce her new position tomorrow. Finally, she could hold her head up high! She turned to Charlie and said gleefully, “Charlie, thank you! If it’s not for your encouragement, I wouldn’t have dared to step up and take the challenge.” Charlie replied with a smile, “Dear, you deserve this.”

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He turned his head away, then turned back to her and said, “Oh yes, it’s such a great and happy event. Let’s celebrate, shall we?” Claire nodded. “How do you want to do it?” “Our third anniversary is around the corner, let’s celebrate it together! I’ll prepare everything, you just have to sit back and relax.” Claire gaped in surprise. “Are you going to surprise me?” “Yes!” Charlie nodded and laughed. “I’m giving you a surprise!”

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Claire felt a dash of warmth surging her heart. “Okay, I won’t ask you for any details then.” “You don’t have to, just wait!” Charlie had several plans lining up for the preparation of a special and exclusive wedding anniversary. Generally, compensation was the main objective. After all, he was very poor previously and he didn’t have the money to buy presents for his wife. In fact, he couldn’t even afford a formal wedding for her. Now that he was loaded, he wanted to compensate her earnestly.

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After splitting with his wife, Charlie went to a jewelry store called Emerald Court in the center of Aurous Hill alone. Emerald Court was the most popular jewelry store in town. They had gold, platinum, diamonds, jade, and all sorts of gemstones and accessories that one could dream of. You name it, they’ve got it. Charlie wanted to buy a gift for his wife before heading to the best hotel in town to book a venue for their belated wedding. When he walked into the stores, the sales personnel didn’t bother to entertain him 172 | Q u i z o l P D F

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when they saw him wearing four-striped— a.k.a. counterfeit—Adidas sneakers. Regardless, Charlie looked around by himself for a long while until he saw a jade necklace locked in the glass cabinet. The necklace was made of the most exclusive icy jadeite. It was very elegant and exquisite, a perfect match for Claire’s aura. He peeked at the price tag—thirteen million—which was a piece of cake for him. He ushered for one of the sales personnel and said, “Hi, please take this necklace out, I’d like to have a look.”

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The person glanced at him indifferently and muttered, “I don’t have the key, it’s with our manager.” Then, he spoke through the intercom and said, “Miss Wolfe, there’s a guy here who wants to see our most prized possession!” Very soon, a very enchanting woman with a very thick makeup sprinted to the storefront enthusiastically. Her name was Jane Wolfe and she was the sales manager at the store. “Which prestigious guest wants to see our prized collection?” The personnel pointed to Charlie and said, “This man over here.”

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“Huh?” Jane shifted her gaze at Charlie and expressed a disgusted look as if she had just eaten a fly. How could this deadbeat loser afford the most prized treasure of the shop? She turned to the male sales personnel and said, “Hey, Gill, you’re kidding me, right?” “No, it’s true, this gentleman wants to see the necklace.” Jane chided rudely, “Are you telling me that this loser can afford the necklace? Are you blind? If you’re blind, tell me so I can fire you right this instant and stop being annoyed!”

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Jane thought that she could very accurately read people after years of working experience. She could see at a glance about what kind of person the buyer was and predict their purchasing power. So, from her observation, she could tell that Charlie was nothing but a poor loser. He couldn’t even afford a 1,300 dollar necklace, let alone the thirteen million dollar necklace! He was just a waste of her time! The male sales personnel kept quiet after the scolding, but Charlie frowned and asked her, 176 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“You opened the door to do business, right? I want to see the necklace, what’s the problem?” Jane sneered in disdain. “Yes, we did open our door for business, but we don’t do business with the mentally retarded. You can’t afford it, just get out of our store!” The frown on Charlie’s forehead grew deeper. “How do you know I can’t afford it? Which pair of eyes did you use to judge me?” “Haha!” Jane mocked contemptuously, “This jade necklace is worth tens of millions of dollars. Tell me, how are you going to pay for it? I know exactly what you want to do. You want me to take it out so you can snap a

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picture of it and post it on Instagram to show off, am I right?” Jane crossed her arms in front of her chest and stood with her head held high, looking snobbish and pompous. There were a few shoppers in the store. When they heard the price of the jade necklace, they gaped in awe and pointed at Charlie as they whispered, “That guy is so shameless. Why does he want to look at it when he can’t afford it?” “You’re right. Didn’t he look into the mirror before he left his house? How can he deserve such a beautiful and precious gem with that low-quality outfit?” 178 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“Let me tell you, there are so many of them nowadays!” Charlie looked askance at Jane who looked back at him with the scornful smile on her face. He decided to teach the ignorant b*tch a lesson! He retrieved his phone and dialed Stephen’s number. “I want you to prepare thirteen million dollars in cash and come to Emerald Court in ten minutes.” “Okay, Young Master, right on it.”

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The corner of Jane’s lips twitched as she teased, “Wow, you’re so indulgent in your acting, I’m impressed! Thirteen million dollars in cash? Haha, don’t make me laugh. I haven’t seen so much cash in my life, I do hope you’d let me open my eyes today! Don’t you know that you’d need to make a prior appointment with the bank for any cash withdrawals above a million dollars? Hahaha, you’re so funny!” Charlie nodded inexpressively and said, “Since you haven’t seen it before, you’ll see it soon.” The shrill voices started to resonate across the store. “It’s okay to be poor, just don’t be so puffed up…” 180 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“Haha, this guy looks nothing like a rich guy at all! Thirteen million? I’ll call him Dad if he can get thirteen thousand dollars!” “Well, I’m curious to see what thirteen million in cash looks like!” Listening to the crowd who was taking her side, Jane smiled satisfyingly. She couldn’t wait to see how this poor loser would react when the cash wasn’t here. A few minutes later, several Rolls-Royce suddenly parked in front of Emerald Court’s entrance.

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Immediately after that, eight bodyguards in black suits came down from the two cars at the front. They were carrying a black leather suitcase, their muscles twitching, their expression solemn, a cold and murderous aura radiating from their body. It felt as if the temperature had suddenly dropped below zero. Everyone in Emerald Court was stunned in extreme shock upon the scene! Who was this guy? What’s with the charismatic appearance?

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Chapter 14 Jane was taken aback by such an extravagant appearance, wondering to herself if these guys were here for him. She dismissed that thought very quickly! Impossible! The poor loser wouldn’t know anyone so powerful. Stephen got out from the third car and strode into Emerald Court. Jane quickly got up to greet him, but he ignored her completely and went straight to Charlie. “Young Master, I’m here with the money.” 183 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Then, Stephen gestured with his hand. The studly bodyguards walked into the store, placed the suitcase on the floor, and opened it. It was full of cash to the brink! Everyone gaped in extreme shock! D*mn it! The loser…oh no! What the guy had said was actually true! Oh d*mn! Who was he! Many people took their phones out, trying to take a picture or record a video. They wouldn’t want to miss such a shocking scene. 184 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Stephen’s bodyguards immediately cleared the scene and pushed them out of the store. All they managed to snap was the back of Charlie’s head. Charlie pointed to the cash and said to Jane, “You said that you’ve never seen so much cash before, didn’t you? Take a good look at it now.” In a shocked daze, Jane mumbled with vigorous nodding, “Yes, I see it, I see it now…” Charlie said to Stephen, “I want to see the manager of this store.”

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Stephen nodded, took out his phone, searched through his contact list, and made the call. As soon as his call was answered, he shouted, “B*stard, I am Stephen Thompson! I’m now at Emerald Court. I’ll give you one minute to get here now, or I’ll have someone burn down the store and then break your legs!” Blood drained from Jane’s face, her eyes filled with horror when she looked at Stephen. Who was this guy? Was he that powerful? Her boss was a man of substance in Aurous Hill and he was also very well connected in the ‘organized’ group. Everyone treated him 186 | Q u i z o l P D F

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with great respect and honor! She couldn’t believe that there were people who dared to talk to him like that! It had not even been a minute when a middle-age obese man came running from the office behind the store. He sprinted as soon as he saw Stephen and said, “Mr. Thompson, it’s such an honor to have you visit my shop. Why didn’t you let me know earlier, I could’ve come to greet you.” Stephen hurled his hand across the man’s face, slapping him, and growled furiously, “You’re pretty co*cky, aren’t you? Your staff even dared to mistreat our young master like this. Are you getting tired of breathing?” 187 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Stephen knew that the young master had undergone a miserable life in the past decade, so he was extremely agitated when a lowly staff member treated him so poorly. The chubby man was a little aggrieved when he was slapped hard on his face, but when he heard Stephen’s remark, he recoiled in shock. Stephen Thompson’s young master? Oh goodness, if Stephen’s existence was already like a dragon in the mortal world, his young master would be the god from the sky then! His body trembled in fear. He turned his head to look at Charlie, who stood next to Stephen. The young lad looked like an ordinary being,

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but he was Stephen Thompson’s young master! The chubby man crawled to his knees and said, “Young…Young Master, I’m really sorry, please accept my apology.” He then turned his furious gaze at his staff and shouted, “Which ignorant b*stard offended the young master? Show yourself!” All the sales personnel shifted their glances at Jane instantly. Jane wanted to retreat, but the chubby man jumped at her, grabbed her collar, and slapped her face while cursing, “You ignorant

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b*tch, how dare you offend our young master! You’re blind and stupid!” Jane crouched on the floor after the slap and wailed, “Boss, I’m sorry. Yes, yes, I’m blind and stupid, please forgive me, please!” “Forgive you?” The chubby man grabbed her hair, pulled her face up, and punched her in the face with his giant fist. With one punch after another, blood started oozing from her face. “D*mn it you b*tch! You want to drag me to hell, don’t you? Before you kill me, I’ll kill you first!”

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Several teeth were knocked out of Jane’s mouth, the nose bridge that she had spent a fortune on plastic surgery for was broken, and her face was literally covered in blood. She struggled and managed to break free from the chubby man. She crawled towards Charlie, grabbed his leg, and cried, “Young Master, I’m so sorry. I won’t do it again, I won’t judge people as I had done ever again. Please, please forgive me.” Charlie glared at her coldly and uttered, “Serves you right!” The chubby man gaped in shock when he saw her grabbing Charlie’s leg. He quickly ran over and stomped on her head, and shouted, 191 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“How dare you touch the young master’s leg! I’ll kill you!” With the stomp, Jane fainted and became unconscious. The man called for the guards at the door, “Throw this b*tch into the garbage dump in the back alley!” “Okay, boss!” The guards immediately picked the bloody Jane up and took her out of the store. Charlie looked blankly at the chubby man and said, “My wife likes this jade necklace. Wrap it up.”

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The chubby man nodded vigorously and said, “Okay, I’ll do it right away!” Charlie retrieved the black card and said, “Swipe this card.” Then, he turned to Stephen and said, “You can take back the cash now.” The chubby man quickly interjected, “Young Master, since you like the jade necklace, just take it, it’s on the house!” Charlie muttered, “I don’t need you to give it to me for free.” The chubby man said timidly, “Young Master, please accept it as a token of gratitude from me!”

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Stephen told Charlie, “Sir, since he wants to repent for his mistake with the gift, please accept it. Otherwise, I don’t think he’ll be able to sleep tonight.” After hesitating for a moment, Charlie nodded gently. “Okay, thank you for the generous gift.” The chubby man heaved a sigh of relief when Charlie accepted the necklace. If he didn’t, he was genuinely afraid that Stephen would not let him off the hook. With his influence and ability, making him disappear off the grid was as easy as flicking his fingers. Then, Stephen asked, “Sir, do you need a lift?”

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“No thanks,” Charlie shook his hand and said, “Where is your back door? I’ll go by myself.” The onlookers felt as if they had entered a whole new world! Several Rolls-Royce came to deliver thirteen million dollars in cash just to buy a piece of jade. It turned out that the owner of the Emerald Court gave it to him for free! Who was the man who looked rather unremarkable and ordinary? What was his background?

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Many people posted the video of the incident on the Internet and it quickly became the hottest topic. The netizens labeled the mysterious man as ‘the ultra-rich man’, ‘willful boss’, ‘mysterious elite’, and so on. There was even an activity called ‘search for the mysterious rich man’ that a lot of people were actively participating in. Fortunately, when these people were shooting the video, they were pushed out of the store by the bodyguards, so Charlie’s image in their videos was very vague and blurry and it couldn’t be used as a reference for the manhunt. 196 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Chapter 15 Charlie didn’t return home right away after leaving Emerald Court. He wanted to give his wife a full package of surprise during their wedding anniversary celebration. The surprise was not limited to the precious jade necklace—he wanted to make up for his wife a romantic wedding. As he recalled the earlier days, Charlie and Claire rushed to register their marriage under the request of Lord Wilson, Claire’s

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grandfather, and they didn’t manage to hold a wedding. Lord Wilson had intended to select a date for a lavish wedding, but not long after they got married, he was seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital. Hence, the wedding had to be delayed. Later, Lord Wilson passed away. Charlie was totally ignored by the Wilson family, so the wedding plan was flushed down the drain. However, it was different now. He was rich, so he could and must give his wife a wedding!

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The first venue that popped right up his head when he thought of the wedding was Shangri-La’s Sky Garden! Shangri-La Hotel was the best hotel in Aurous Hill at present. The hotel covered a large area with extravagant and luxurious decoration and had an upscale shopping mall located within. The Sky Garden was located on the highest level inside the mall. Its name came from its unique design. The exterior was constructed with crystal glass paired with fragrant flowers airlifted from abroad. It looked like a grand garden suspended in the sky. It was also the grandest and most luxurious banquet hall Aurous Hill could offer. It would 200 | Q u i z o l P D F

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cost at least several million dollars to hold a wedding here. Since Charlie was rich now, several million dollars were just a piece of cake for him. The most important thing was that he could make his wife happy. Hence, there he was, standing at the entrance of the Shangri-La Hotel, intending to reserve the Sky Garden on his wedding anniversary. However, Charlie wasn’t aware that the hotel was an exclusive members-only hotel. One had to be a member to dine, stay, or hold an event here.

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Besides, there were different membership levels with different privilege service packages. Normal members could only dine in the lobby area and stay in standard rooms. Silver members could dine in private rooms and stay in luxury rooms. Gold members could dine in the deluxe dining room and stay in deluxe suites. Platinum members could dine in the Sky Garden and stay in the executive suites. The highest members of them all were the diamond members.

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Only Diamond members were eligible to stay in the Presidential Suite, and only Diamond members could reserve the entire Sky Garden for events. Moreover, one could not simply apply to be a Gold member and above. It was by invitation only and its members were only given to those with significant social status. Before Charlie could enter the hotel, he was blocked by several men in black. “Excuse me, sir, please show us your membership card.” The outfit Charlie was wearing today was rather mediocre and cheap. They were a stark 203 | Q u i z o l P D F

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contrast to the other guests who dressed to the nines. Charlie quickly said, “Hi, I would like to speak to your hotel manager regarding the booking of a venue.” The man said flatly, “I’m sorry, you can’t enter without a membership card!” “Can I apply for the membership now?” The man shook his head and said, “I’m sorry, but you need to have a referral to apply for the membership.” Charlie frowned in agitation. Why was the Shangri-La so troublesome? 204 | Q u i z o l P D F

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In the middle of this confusion, he suddenly remembered that when Lord Wilson enrolled him into the Aurous University and he was in his senior year with his wife, they had a coursemate named Sabrina Lee who worked here! Hence, he hurriedly took out his phone and called Sabrina. After stating his situation about the application, Sabrina said, “Don’t worry, class rep, I got this! I’ll be there right now!” Charlie quickly thanked her. It seemed that although they had only been coursemates for a year, the friendship was still 205 | Q u i z o l P D F

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sustained to a certain level. He would definitely return the favor to her in the future. A few minutes later, a woman’s high-pitched voice suddenly echoed across the hotel entrance. “Hey, class rep!” Charlie looked up and saw a woman in an office lady outfit with heavy and whimsical makeup coming from inside the hotel. Was that Sabrina? She had transformed so much that he barely recognized her!

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As the voluptuous lady approached them, the two guards in black hurriedly bowed and greeted respectfully, “Miss Lee.” Charlie gaped in surprise, “Wow, Sabrina, it’s been a while since we last saw each other and you’re now a manager in Shangri-La. It’s so amazing!” Sabrina replied with a smile, “Class rep, you’re too polite. Actually, I’m just a small-time leader of the HR department, it can only be regarded as low to middle managerial level in Shangri-La.” Charlie complimented earnestly, “It’s still very impressive. I heard that the requirements for

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the management in Shangri-La are very high, you’re awesome!” Sabrina laughed gleefully, she then turned to the guards next to her and said coldly, “Was it you who blocked my college class rep at the entrance, not letting him in?” The guards exchanged nervous glances. One of them quickly said, “I’m sorry, Miss Lee, I didn’t know that he was your collegemate. Besides, he doesn’t have a membership card, we’re just following the hotel’s protocol…” Sabrina snorted, “The protocol is fixed, but people are not. Do you not understand this?”

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Charlie thought that Sabrina would punish them for the matter, so he hurriedly uttered, “Sabrina, don’t blame them, they’re just doing their job.” Sabrina shifted her gaze at Charlie. Suddenly she laughed out loud, and at the same time, her expression changed and she started teasing, “My dear class rep, you really think you're somebody, don’t you? Did you really think that I’ll punish my subordinates simply because of you?” Charlie frowned in dismay. “What do you mean by that?” “What do I mean?” Sabrina said with a disdainful grin, “Am I not obvious enough? 209 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Do you really think that a miserable loser like you can enter Shangri-La? Let me tell you something, don’t even dream about it!” Charlie clenched his fists and asked, “What the h*ll do you mean?” “I’m teasing you!” Sabrina grinned like a Cheshire Cat and said, “I despised you while we were in college. How could a loser who knew nothing but study and couldn’t even afford a meat dish at the cafeteria be a class rep? Who were you to comment on my studies and results? Yuck! Didn’t you look at yourself in the mirror?” With a cold expression, Charlie said, “Sabrina Lee, I don’t think I’ve ever offended you or 210 | Q u i z o l P D F

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provoked you, but why do you keep ridiculing me?”

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Chapter 16 Sabrina crossed her arms in front of her chest and said in a pompous tone, “Yeah, I despise you, so what? Can’t you bear some criticism now, you loser?” “Everyone in college knows that you married Claire and became their live-in son-in-law after graduation! A miserable loser who couldn’t even afford a decent meal in college and a toyboy after graduation! How dare you come looking for my help being such a big loser as you are? Who do you think you are?” A rage of fury was slowly burning inside Charlie. 212 | Q u i z o l P D F

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One would not attack unless attacked first. Sabrina was going too far this time! Right at this moment, he received a text message from Stephen. “Young Master, the Wade family owns Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts. The Shangri-La of Aurous Hill is just one of our many Shangri-Las throughout the world.” Charlie’s pupil shrank in astonishment! Did he just say that the Wade family owned Shangri-Las? He responded reflexively, “You’re not bluffing, are you?”

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“Of course not. The person in charge of Aurous Hill’s Shangri-La is Isaac Cameron, his number is 155…, please give him a call and he will settle everything for you.” “Okay.” Sabrina was a little agitated by Charlie’s attitude, staring at his phone and texting while she was mocking him. She felt like she was abusing a dog and of course, she wanted to hear the dog yelp. Unexpectedly, Charlie didn’t say anything. It proved that in his case, time did not change anything. He was a loser since college, and he 214 | Q u i z o l P D F

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was the same loser now who didn’t even budge after being insulted. Hence, she increased the co*ckiness in her tone and sneered, “Hey, Mr. Class Rep, you’re pretty good at putting up with insults!” “Oh yes, by the way, I heard that you and Claire have not slept together after being married for three years. Is Claire actually someone else’s mistress and you’re nothing but a smokescreen for her affairs? Hahaha!” Charlie frowned indignantly. ‘Not only did you insult me, but you also insulted my wife. Sabrina Lee, you’re digging your own grave!’ 215 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Enraged, he called Isaac Cameron’s number. He stared at Sabrina and said flatly while waiting for the call to be answered, “I’m going to ask your person in charge about how Shangri-La recruits employees, for even people with a foul mouth like you can work here!” “What? How dare you taunt me? You really need a beating!” Sabrina growled furiously and shouted to the guards beside her, “He’s here looking for trouble, beat him!” At this moment, his call was answered. “Hello, who is it?” 216 | Q u i z o l P D F

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A charismatic male voice came from the other end of the line. Charlie said coldly, “Are you Isaac Cameron? I am Charlie Wade, I’m now at the entrance of Shangri-La. I’ll give you a minute to get the h*ll here or you can just get out of ShangriLa!” Upon hearing it, the man who was originally full of charisma immediately panicked and stuttered, “Young…Young Master? Are you really at the Shangri-La now?” “Fifty seconds!”

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The man yelped over the phone and blurted frantically, “Please wait a moment, I’ll be there right away!” Sabrina smirked as she listened to Charlie’s phone conversation and mocked sarcastically, “Hey, Charlie, I didn’t know that you’re so good at blowing your own horn! Do you know who Mr. Cameron is? Even the most prestigious members of Shangri-La dare not to be so pompous in front of Mr. Cameron! Do you really think you can fool me by pretending to make a call?” Charlie glared at him and said faintly, “You’ll know in thirty seconds if I’m fooling you!”

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Sabrina laughed contemptuously. “Okay, our beloved class rep! I’ll wait for thirty seconds! Oh no, let’s make it three minutes. If Mr. Cameron doesn’t show himself in three minutes, I’ll let the guards tear your bluffing mouth off your face, you lying little prick! Hahaha! This is so funny!” Twenty seconds later, a middle-aged man in a top-of-the-line bespoke suit ran towards them in a panic. He was a dog who worked for the Wade family. He was also a very powerful dog. Ever since he had been appointed as the general manager of the Shangri-La in Aurous Hill, he became one of the most respectable 219 | Q u i z o l P D F

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icons in the city. When was the last time he was ever so panicked and anxious? However, his panic was understandable. He had never imagined that the young master of the Wade family would appear at Shangri-La, which was under his management… Sabrina intended to continue insulting Charlie when she suddenly saw the guards looking pale and horrified as they glanced behind her. She followed their stunned gazes and turned around when she saw Mr. Cameron emerge. Her eyes opened widely as if she had been struck by lightning.

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Then, she turned back at Charlie, her eyes full of horror. “This… how… how is it possible…” “Who is Mr. Charlie Wade?” Isaac’s voice was trembling in fear and disbelief. Everyone stared at him in bewilderment, stunned. The man who could easily shake Aurous Hill by simply stomping his feet had become so terrified and frightened that even his voice changed! Charlie said loudly, “I am!” Isaac quickly rushed towards him and bowed. “Young…” 221 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Charlie interjected immediately, “Mr. Cameron, some things are not suitable to be said out loud in public.” Isaac was shaking with jitters upon the statement. ‘Oh, my goodness! I’m such a stupid dog! Young Master’s identity must be highly confidential, yet I almost called him out! If I offend Young Master, it will be the end for me!’ Thus, he hurriedly changed the address but still spoke in a respectful tone, “Mr. Wade, welcome to Shangri-La. Please follow me to my office for further discussion.”

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Sabrina was utterly stunned. She could not accept the fact but it had unfolded right in front of her eyes. Who was Charlie Wade really? What was his real background? How could he make the big boss of Shangri-La bow before him like a lowly peasant? He wouldn’t bear a grudge against her for her mockery, right?

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Chapter 17 Sabrina hurriedly put on a coy smile and said to Charlie in a flattering voice, “Class rep, welcome to Shangri-La. It’s our honor for you to visit us and it’s also my pleasure as your former collegemate. Please come in…” She assumed that her compliments and gentle tone would make Charlie forget her rude behavior towards him earlier. Unfortunately for her, Charlie was not as kind as she thought he was.

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Isaac gaped in surprise when he heard Sabrina’s remark and quickly asked, “Lee, you’re Mr. Wade’s college mate?” “Yes, yes!” Sabrina said frantically, “Mr. Wade was my class rep when we were in college, we’re quite close!” Isaac announced instantly, “Go to the president’s office tomorrow. You’ll be the HR manager of Shangri-La!” In Shangri-La, the promotion from team leader to HR manager was at least a three-tier difference in ranking. Not only would her salary and welfare package increase by tenfold, but she would also control the manpower of most employees in the hotel. 225 | Q u i z o l P D F

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The HR manager was considered among the high-level executives at managerial level. Sabrina was so thrilled when she heard his statement that she almost fainted. Charlie uttered coldly, “Mr. Cameron, do you know what kind of relationship I have with Sabrina Lee?” Isaac assumed that Charlie was displeased with the arrangement and immediately said, “Mr. Wade, I can promote Miss Lee to vice president if it pleases you!” Charlie said abruptly, “I called Sabrina Lee for help because I didn’t have a membership card, but out of nowhere, she insulted me for no 226 | Q u i z o l P D F

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reason and even urged the guards to beat me. Yet, now you want to promote her to vice president? What do you mean by that? Do you want to intentionally piss me off?” Isaac felt blood drained off his body. He had aimed his flattery in the wrong direction! Next, the glare he pointed at Sabrina was filled with wrath and fury. He swung his hand across her face and growled in great dismay, “How dare you offend Mr. Wade? Did you borrow your courage from a lion? You wish to die, don’t you?” 227 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Sabrina was so frightful that she knelt down on the ground, shaking in great fear as she wailed and pleaded, “Mr. Cameron, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Isaac lifted his leg and kicked her fiercely, sending her a distance away, and shouted, “You ignorant b*tch! I’ll teach you a lesson today about the price you have to pay for offending Mr. Wade!” He then turned to the security guards and shouted, “Give her a good beating! Don’t be merciful, destroy that plastic face of hers and make an announcement to the entire Aurous Hill that whoever dares to hire her would

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indicate that they’re going up against me, Isaac Cameron!” Sabrina was extremely scared. She pleaded hastily, “Mr. Cameron, I’m sorry, please forgive me!” Isaac’s face blushed in a hot red shade as he shouted, “Now you know that you’re sorry, huh! What drained your brain earlier? How dare you provoke Mr. Wade? If it’s not because of him, I’d kill you right now!” Tears drenched Sabrina’s face. Kneeling on the ground, she crawled in front of Charlie and bowed vigorously. “Mr. Wade, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I beg you, please, for the sake of our friendship…” 229 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Charlie glanced at her coldly and said, “Sabrina Lee, we’re friends, but why did you insult me and my wife just now?” “Class rep, I was out of my mind just now. It’s all because of my filthy mouth, please forgive me…” “I wouldn’t attack unless I’m attacked first. Since you’ve attacked me, I’ll never spare you! You left me no choice!” Charlie then snorted in dismay. “Take a dose of your own medicine, you ignorant woman!” Isaac growled, “B*tch! Don’t you dare pester Mr. Wade again, I’ll tear your mouth off your plastic face!” 230 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Sabrina didn’t dare to speak another word. She knelt on the floor and wept bitterly. Charlie ignored her completely. He looked at Isaac and said flatly, “I want to talk to you about the Sky Garden, let’s go to your office.” Isaac nodded vigorously as he led the way. “Of course, Mr. Wade, please come this way!” Before he left, he turned to the guards and shouted, “Teach her a lesson and don’t stop without my order!” “Yes, Mr. Cameron!”

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The guards nodded frightfully. They dashed towards Sabrina, pressed her against the floor, and gave her a good beating. Behind Charlie, Sabrina was wailing and screaming continuously, but he couldn’t care less. Isaac escorted him into Shangri-La. Once they were at Isaac’s office, Charlie cut to the chase and uttered, “My wife and I will celebrate our wedding anniversary in a few days’ time, I want to book the whole Sky Garden. May I?” Isaac answered without a doubt, “Young Master, for the sake of fairness to all the premium members, we disallow the charter of the Sky Garden entirely, not even to 232 | Q u i z o l P D F

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prominent politicians in the city. However, the Sky Garden will be reserved for you and only you in the future!” Charlie said flatly, “That’s not necessary, I just need it for my wedding anniversary. In addition, I need your help to prepare a surprise for my wife.” “No problem! Please rest assured that all the staff of Shangri-La and I will always obey your orders and requests!” *** After settling the matters in Shangri-La, Charlie hopped onto the bus and went home. He realized that almost all the passengers on 233 | Q u i z o l P D F

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the bus were watching videos and short clips on their phones. To his surprise, everyone was watching the same video! It was the video of him showing off the thirteen million dollars in cash in Emerald Court the other day! The video began when Stephen and the team of security guards stepped out of the black Rolls-Royces. Then, the screen shifted to the guards carrying dozens of black suitcases into Emerald Court and hurled them all on the floor, humiliating the ignorant and co*cky sales manager. The whole incident had been shot and posted on the Internet. 234 | Q u i z o l P D F

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However, the video failed to capture Charlie’s face. The video spread across Aurous Hill like wildfire. Curiosity filled the city as people were speculating on who was the ultra-rich man behind all this. Many girls started to daydream about their own rags-to-riches Cinderella fiction, wishing they could meet the mysterious Prince Charming soon. Charlie heaved a sigh of relief after repeatedly confirming that his face was too blurry in the video to be identified. When he finally got back home, it was filled with celebratory joy and excitement.

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Claire had won the Emgrand Group contract and was about to be appointed as the director of Wilson Group. Her parents burst into joyful tears. After being taunted and ridiculed for so many years, they could finally embrace under the limelight and shine! Thanks to his in-laws’ pleasant mood, they didn’t find him despicable or annoying like they used to. Elaine said happily, “Hah, I’m so happy today! My girl is extraordinary!” She then turned to Charlie and said with a smile, which was an extremely rare scene, 236 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“Charlie, despite your uselessness, I’ll give credit where credit’s due, Claire managed to succeed thanks to your motivation, so you don’t have to make dinner tonight. We’ll go out and celebrate!” Claire chuckled. “Let’s go to Kempinski!” “It’s too expensive!” Elaine blurted in shock. “It’s at least one thousand dollars per person, isn’t it?” Claire laughed gleefully and said, “Mom, the salary of the director is very high, with an annual income of one million.”

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“Wow!” Elaine clapped her hands and cheered, “That’s awesome! My dear Claire has finally accomplished something significant!” After a quick thought, she continued, “But you’ll need to give me 70% of your salary. You youngsters don’t know how to manage your money, give me the money and I’ll manage it for you. I’m sure it’s more reliable than you saving it on your own!” Claire nodded. “Okay, Mom. I promise to give it to you every month, but we’ll have to set some ground rules here. Don’t taunt Charlie again, he’s your son-in-law, for goodness’ sake!”

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“Okay, alright! For your sake, I promise I’ll not criticize him as much as I usually do!”

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Chapter 18 Claire and her family went to Kempinski for dinner while Wendell was sulking at home. He saw the post from Emgrand Group’s official page, feeling very depressed and dejected. He thought that it would be absolutely impossible for Claire to win the contract, but unexpectedly, it had only taken her half an hour to score a sixty million dollar contract. Recalling his harsh and scornful remarks at her place yesterday, he was extremely embarrassed as the remarks came back as a slap in his face! 240 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Right at this moment, Harold called to whine about his situation. He said as soon as the call was answered, “Hey, Wendell, what the h*ll! I earnestly created opportunities for you to pursue my cousin, but you turned your back on me and helped her to win the Emgrand contract. How could you do this to me?” Wendell shook his head in disdain. ‘What the heck? I didn’t do anything!’ Harold asked again, “Wendell, be honest with me. Did you sleep with my cousin?” At the same time, Wendell was too embarrassed to deny the fact that he had nothing to do with all this. It would mean that 241 | Q u i z o l P D F

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he was admitting his incompetence, wouldn’t it? Hence, he mumbled sheepishly, “Yeah. Harold, I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you whenever I have a chance.” “I knew it!” Harold sighed, and then hurriedly asked, “Wendell, my cousin was a virgin, wasn’t she? I don’t think she’s ever slept with that loser. You struck the jackpot, you lucky dog!” Wendell gaped in astonishment followed by excitement. Alright! Claire Wilson was still a virgin!

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Then, he might as well tell everyone that he had done the deed with Claire, in this way, he could estrange her relationship with her husband too. As the cunning thought lingered in his mind, he giggled coyly and said to Harold, “Yes, your cousin was a virgin. She was so tight and cute I couldn’t help it! Hahaha!” Harold’s bitter voice resonated, “If so, please don’t forget about me whenever you have any benefits in hand, okay buddy?” “Don’t worry!” Wendell exclaimed casually. As soon as he ended Harold’s call, his father called him suddenly. 243 | Q u i z o l P D F

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His father’s anxious voice entered his ear. “Wendell, we have a problem! The Emgrand Group has canceled all their projects with us! Did you offend anyone recently?” Wendell fell into dead silence upon hearing this. Was it true? Didn’t it mean that his family would suffer a great loss?! He blurted hastily, “Dad, what’s going on? No, I didn’t offend anyone! Did you?” His father sounded disbelief and bewildered. “Neither am I! I’ve been in the office these days so I didn’t meet many people, let alone offend someone…” 244 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“Hey, Dad, is it possible that Emgrand’s new chairman is doing a major reshuffle after taking over the company?” “Yes! You’re right!” Mr. Jones exclaimed, suddenly coming to his senses. “I haven’t had a chance to visit the new chairman since his appointment. I’ve spoken to Doris Young several times, but she said that their chairman doesn’t take any visitors.” “Then what should we do?” Mr. Jones fell into silence as he pondered the situation and then said, “Oh, yes. The Wilson family’s banquet tomorrow night, they said that they’ve invited the chairman. Let’s find a chance to meet him!” 245 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“Alright!” Wendell agreed right away. “Let’s go together tomorrow!” *** The next day, the entire Wilson family was over the moon and extremely delighted. It was the most important moment in the family. Overnight, the news about the Wilson family winning the contract with Emgrand Group and the invitation of the chairman to the banquet had spread throughout Aurous Hill! For this banquet, Charlie found his most expensive suit to wear and went to the hotel where the banquet was held.

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Charlie got out of the car after arriving at the hotel’s entrance when a Porsche stopped abruptly in front of him. Then, Wendell Jones, who donned a meticulously expensive suit and slick hairstyle, came out of the car. A waiter marched forward and greeted him diligently. Wendell saw Charlie too, apparently. There was a trace of disdain in his eyes as he scanned him and said with a sly smile, “Where did you find this counterfeit suit? You look like a dog trying to play dress-up.”

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Charlie said flatly, “What does it have to do with you?” Wendell twitched his lips, a dash of mockery painted his face. “You have nothing to do with me, but your wife is a whole new different story…” Charlie frowned slightly and asked, “What story?” The bystanders couldn’t help but stop as the remarks echoed within their earshot. Starting last night, there was a rumor circulating among society.

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Rumors had it that Claire succeeded in winning the contract because of her intimate relationship with Wendell. Otherwise, how else could they explain the collaboration with Emgrand Group based on her and Wilson Group’s competency? From the current looks of it, it sounded quite legit and reasonable. Seeing that a crowd was slowly gathered around them, Wendell said loudly, “Why do you think Claire could win the contract with Emgrand Group?” Charlie glared at Wendell coldly. “Why?”

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Wendell curled his lips into a co*cky smile and said, “Because of me, of course! Because Claire is my woman now, so I gave all I could for her to succeed in her negotiation with them! If you have any sense left, be a gentleman and divorce her as soon as possible.” Although they had anticipated the reason, the people couldn’t help but gape in astonishment when they heard Wendell said it outright. Sure enough! Claire had won the contract by sleeping with Wendell Jones! “Because of you?” Charlie chuckled sinisterly. “Who do you think you are?” 250 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Chapter 19 “Who do you think you are, then?” Wendell looked askance at Charlie as he said coldly, “You are nothing but a loser, you can’t even watch your wife stray around. It’s such a waste for Claire to be with you, why don’t you let her go for her to be with me? I can give her whatever she wants!” A layer of ice hovered beneath Charlie’s face. He started with a cold and deep voice, “I’ll give you two choices. One, apologize to Claire and take back everything you said in front of everyone or two, I’ll make your family’s company go bankrupt. Decide now.” 252 | Q u i z o l P D F

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“Hahaha! Are you kidding me? Who the heck do you think you are to make my family go bankrupt?” Wendell laughed out loud as he shot a contemptuous glare at Charlie. Obviously, he did not take Charlie seriously. “Are you out of your mind, you crazy piece of sh*t? Are you daydreaming? Do you have any idea what our company’s net worth is? What can you do to make us bankrupt? Haha!” Charlie wore an inexpressive expression on his face while looking at Wendell for a while as if he was looking at an idiot. Then, he retrieved his phone and called Stephen.

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“In three minutes, I want to see the bankruptcy and liquidation of the Jones family’s business. Let their debts hit the ceiling!” Three minutes to make a company with a net worth of billions go bankrupt was utterly impossible! Wendell glared back at Charlie in great dismay and said, “D*mn, you are so full of lies! Do you really think you are the ultra-rich man on the Internet?” Then, he continued coldly, “Loser, stop pretending, I’ll give you two choices too. One, kneel and apologize to me, then divorce Claire immediately. Two, I’ll get someone to 254 | Q u i z o l P D F

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beat the h*ll out of you and cripple you, and let you see for your pathetic self how lovely and sweet Claire is with me. Decide now! I’ll give you a minute to consider your options!” Charlie glanced at his watch and said, “You have one minute left. Are you sure you don’t want to save your company even a little?” “F*ck off! You have thirty seconds to decide! If you don’t get on your knees right now, I’ll make you regret it forever!” Wendell threatened. “Twenty seconds!” “Ten seconds!”

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“Five seconds!” “Time’s up! Don’t blame me for being coldblooded, you asked for it!” Wendell shook his collar and gestured at the bodyguards around him, he was ready to give the loser a good beating. Right at this moment, his phone suddenly rang. Wendell was caught by surprise. He looked at his phone and saw that it was his father, so he quickly answered it. “Dad, I’m at the hotel now, where are you?”

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On the phone, Wendell’s father snarled indignantly, “D*mn it! What the h*ll did you do this time? Who did you offend? Now all shareholders are selling our shares like hotcakes, our share price has fallen by more than 80%!” Then, his growling pursued, “The bank suddenly came to our door to demand debt repayment! All partners have suddenly suspended their projects with us and halted the settlement! Our capital chain is broken! We’re left with declaring bankruptcy and liquidation!” Blood drained from Wendell’s face as he listened to the loud growl coming from the 257 | Q u i z o l P D F

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other end of the line. Cold sweat trickled down his forehead. “We’re screwed! Completely screwed!” Wendell opened his mouth, wanting to ask something when he heard through the phone a sound of a siren followed by the sound of breaking the door, and the police officers asking his father to come to the station for an investigation. Suddenly, his legs went jelly and knelt in front of Charlie. His phone fell to the floor and shattered. The night breeze was blowing lightly, his body and heart were cold as ice. 258 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Seeing such a scene, the bodyguards exchanged cautious glances and dared not to step forward. Trembling in fear, Wendell asked Charlie in a dispirited voice, “Who the h*ll are you, really? You did this, didn’t you?” The onlookers were equally surprised. After taking a call, Wendell Jones suddenly knelt in front of the Wilson family’s son-in-law. What was going on? Charlie looked down at him. Then, he bent slightly and whispered, “I gave you a chance to choose your option, but you didn’t choose wisely.”

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“I’m sorry, I’m terribly sorry. Please, please forgive me, please spare me! There’s nothing between Claire and me, I never touched her. The contract with Emgrand Group, it wasn’t me who helped her! Everything I said was just lies! I made them up! Please, please, I beg you! Please spare me and my family!” Wendell knocked his head on the floor and apologized profusely. Never did he expect that a lowly son-in-law of the Wilson family could have so much power and influence in his hands! A simple phone call was what it took to make his family bankrupt!

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When he lifted his head to look at Charlie, he felt that the plain and emotionless face was more horrible than the devil! Someone who could ruin his family in a few minutes was out of his hands! He was not in the place to offend him! Charlie shook his head and said, “You should be grateful, at least I spared your life! Otherwise, your whole family would be dead by now!” Wendell’s face was as pale as a sheet of paper and his body was trembling violently. Charlie continued in his cold voice, “To tell you the truth, yes, I am the ultra-rich man in 261 | Q u i z o l P D F

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the video. If you don’t want to die, don’t tell anyone about my identity or I can’t promise you and your father will be alive until tomorrow morning! Mum’s the word!” Then, he patted Wendell’s face, stood upright, and walked into the hall, ignoring Wendell. As for Wendell, he crouched on the floor, completely stunned. He didn’t dare to resist even the slightest against Charlie’s act to humiliate him. He watched as Charlie walked into the hall and he quickly crawled into the hall too. He looked around frantically until he saw Claire. Then, he rushed towards her, knelt at 262 | Q u i z o l P D F

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her feet, and wailed, “Claire, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have spread such ridiculous rumors about you. I have nothing to do with Emgrand Group’s project. Please, please spare me!” Claire was taken aback by his abrupt reaction that she quickly dodged backward and stumbled into a warm embrace. Claire looked back and saw that the person who was embracing her was Charlie. Charlie saw her as soon as he came in. She was dressed to the nines and shone like a bright star in the crowd. She was so alluring and mesmerizingly beautiful.

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Seeing Wendell rushing towards Claire, he quickly hugged her in his arms to prevent her from falling and glared at Wendell in disdain. Wendell hurriedly crawled away, fearing that he might enrage Charlie again. Claire frowned in confusion. “What’s wrong with him…” Charlie whispered while holding her, “There must be something wrong with his senses, just ignore him.” Although they were a couple, they did not have any intimate contact before. Claire blushed until her ears were red as she felt Charlie’s warmth circling her. 264 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Awkwardly, she wiggled her way out of Charlie’s embrace and said, “Erm, Mr. Wade from Emgrand Group should be here already, I’ll go have a look…”

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Chapter 20 When Wendell fled the scene, Harold was walking into the hall along with his sister, Wendy, and her fiancé, Gerald. Walking next to Gerald was a young man in a smart suit. There was a slight facial resemblance between the two of them. When Harold met Wendell head-on, he hurriedly approached him and said, “Hey, Wendell! When I came in just now, I heard that something happened to your family. Is it true?”

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Wendell shoved him away hastily, mumbling, “I’m done, it’s over, I’m done…” Harold asked with concern, “Mr. Jones, what’s wrong?” Wendell shook his head in panic, not daring to say anything. Right now, he had no doubt that if he said something he shouldn’t, he would be a corpse lying somewhere tomorrow. Thus, he pushed Harold’s hands away and ran out of the hall like his life depended on it. Harold looked the way he ran and sighed. “I bet it’s really the end for the Jones family. 267 | Q u i z o l P D F

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D*mn, isn’t it all a little too fast? They were still fine yesterday but they’ve gone bankrupt today!” Then, when Harold saw Charlie and Claire, a wicked thought appeared in his mind. He went towards Claire and ushered, “Claire, let me introduce you to our distinguished guest tonight. This gentleman over here is Gerald’s cousin, Kevin, the eldest son of the White family.” “Kevin, this is my cousin, Claire,” Harold said to Kevin with a coy smile. Ever since Kevin walked into the hall, he had been locking his gaze at Claire at all times. Upon Harold’s introduction, he quickly 268 | Q u i z o l P D F

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extended his hand and said, “Claire, hi. I’ve heard all about the gorgeous beauty of the Wilson family, your reputation precedes you.” There was a trace of annoyance in Charlie’s eyes. This was the unfortunate perks of having a beautiful wife—suitors would come in all directions like flies and he couldn’t stop chasing them away. Thus, he stepped forward, shook hands with Kevin, and said coldly, “Hi, I’m Claire’s husband.” “You?” Kevin eyed Charlie from head to toe, disdain oozing from his expression. He retracted his hand and said flatly, “I didn’t

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know Claire was married. Such a waste for a beauty like her marrying someone like you…” Wendy hurriedly said, “Kevin, the loser is our family’s live-in son-in-law, he does not have a job nor any skills!” Then, she winked at Kevin and continued, “After Gerald and I get married, we will be one big family then. Let’s get together more often…” Of course, Kevin knew what she meant instantly—she was encouraging him to pursue Claire. He smiled and said, “Miss Claire is so beautiful and elegant, I’m certainly willing to get together more often.”

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At this moment, Charlie saw his in-laws, Elaine and Jacob, walking towards them. Elaine hastily said when she came over, “Claire, have you heard? The Jones family has gone bankrupt!” “Huh?” Claire gaped in extreme shock. “When did it happen?” “Just now!” Elaine continued with a sigh, “I thought that when you divorced Charlie, you can be with Wendell. From the looks of it, the plan is going out of the window…” Charlie felt agitated inside. Was his motherin-law a fool? Didn’t she know that her current son-in-law was the real catch? 271 | Q u i z o l P D F

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Kevin quickly marched forward and introduced himself to Elaine. “Hi, you must be Claire’s mother? I’m Gerald’s cousin, Kevin. You’re so beautiful, it’s no wonder your daughter is as pretty and captivating as you are.” Upon hearing that Kevin was Gerald’s cousin, she made a quick mental calculation—eldest son of the White family, a wealthy prince charming! She blinked in excitement and said happily, “Yes, yes, I’m Claire’s mother. Are you Claire’s friend?” Kevin nodded with a smile. “Yes we are, but we’ve just met today!”

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Joy and thrill were written all over Elaine’s face. She nodded vigorously and said, “Come, let’s sit. Mr. White, my Claire is beautiful, she’s also as pure and honest as an angel. You youngsters should keep in touch more often…” “Mom!” Claire chided in agitation, interjecting her mother’s words. Elaine was about to object when Claire tugged her gently and gestured to her to look at the stage. At this moment, Lady Wilson was standing in the spotlight! She looked around in astonishment before standing in front of the microphone and said 273 | Q u i z o l P D F

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with a smile, “First of all, on behalf of the Wilson family, I welcome all our friends, partners, and esteemed guests to our banquet tonight.” “Next, let us welcome the vice-chairman of Emgrand Group, Doris Young, with a big round of applause!” The spotlight shifted instantly, focusing its beam on the front seat. Doris was wearing a black evening gown, emphasizing her perfect body figure to everyone’s eyes. She dazzled like a captivating fairy that all the men in the hall couldn’t help but focus their gazes on her.

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The vice-chairman of Emgrand Group! An absolutely stunning beauty! Each feature of hers was enough to attract everyone’s attention. Doris stood up, nodding gently towards the crowd. Her glances stopped at Charlie for a short while before moving away. Then, Lady Wilson started again. “First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Emgrand Group for entrusting us with such an important project. We will work our best and will not disappoint them.” “Next, we would also like to introduce to you an outstanding junior of our Wilson family…”

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Elaine shrieked excitedly, “Hey, Claire! It’s your turn to shine now!” Although Claire had prepared herself mentally to get on stage, she was still very nervous. Charlie cast a look of encouragement at her. Harold looked askance at the delighted Claire with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Lady Wilson looked at their table too, smiling before she opened her mouth to speak again. “...If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t be able to collaborate with Emgrand Group. After much consideration from our board of directors, we’ve decided to elect him as the director of 276 | Q u i z o l P D F

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our Wilson Group and be solely responsible for the project with Emgrand Group!” “Let us welcome the new director of Wilson Group, Harold Wilson!” Claire froze like a statue instantly… She shifted her gaze in disbelief but saw Harold went on stage with the co*cky smile on his face. A layer of ice immediately hovered beneath Charlie’s eyes. How dare they burn the bridge after crossing it!

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After gaining their benefits thanks to Claire, the Wilson family had immediately ditched her regardless of her feelings! Claire’s eyes suddenly turned red, tears flooding in her eyes. Next, she stood up and ran out of the door without a second glance back. For her, the fall must be as devastating as the happiness she was in when she first arrived! Charlie groaned even more as he watched her leave. ‘How dare you bully my wife? I’ll kill you!’

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Harold stood on the stage and said proudly, “Thank you for the honor. I’ll do my best as the new director, and also accomplish the project with Emgrand Group perfectly!” Lady Wilson nodded with satisfaction. She took over the microphone and said, “There is one more important matter for the banquet tonight, that is, we are honored to have invited the new chairman of Emgrand Group, Mr. Wade! Please welcome him with the generous applause!” Thunderous applause echoed across the hall! All the guests tonight were here to see the new chairman of Emgrand Group!

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The Charismatic Charlie Wade by Lord Leaf _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

They couldn’t wait to see his true self! Everyone was looking around like meerkats, anticipating to see who would stand up at this moment! Someone even said, “I suspect that the mysterious chairman is the same mysterious rich man in Emerald Court!” “Yes, I think so too! His back looks unfamiliar, I don’t think he is one of the upper-class social circle in Aurous Hill!” “Oh my god! Does that mean the chairman of Emgrand Group is the most powerful superrich person in Aurous Hill?”

280 | Q u i z o l P D F

The Charismatic Charlie Wade by Lord Leaf _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“Argh, I can’t wait to see his face!” Under the thunderous applause and the eager attention of the people, Charlie, with a cold face, slowly stood up...

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the-charismatic-charlie-wade-pdf-1.pdf - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.