The Newark Advocate from Newark, Ohio (2024)

FK1DAY, DECEMBER 27, lttt'j NEWARK ADVOCATE AM) A ME 111 CAN TRIBUNE TAGE EIGHT BRUSHY FORK CINEMA STAR WEDS TONIGHT HE TURNED OUT TO BE COWBOY wafers, coffee. l'ouith l'or. stuffed baked cruljuiil(i Jelly, Covered Dish .1 elicits in casserole, potatoes, hot roll, lemon fluff pie, tea. SATURDAY MARKET SHOPPERS FIND BUT LITTLE PRICE CHANGE Surprise Cakes to Serve Four Luncneon lvieeis for candying Sandusky, Dec. San- lusky's matinee girls had a ehock Popular Demand sweetpotatos; When served with fowl as the dec- i today when the handsome Juvenile of a etock company here, who they I to USI' iWm.s i dandy way 'l p'i! I t(VT Hp leu-111 Itl-H'll'-llis Tne I Vv New Products Will Appear for Mid-holiday Markct-Cilrus Advance Slightly Lettuce Hidier.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Spray and family of Granville Epent Christmas with and Mrs. Uruce Maxwell and family. Mrs.

Lucy Willard and son und Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter were dinner guests Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. David Davies and Mary Jay no Nel-dun.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones visited Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Nadolson of Newark Wednesday, where the family had their regular Christmas dinner.

Mr, and Mrs. l'red tfayro ami chil orative feature of a dinner, the canned sweet potato occupies a prominent place. To prepare them use: Kight medium-sized sweet potatoes, peeled, 1 cup dark brown sugar. 4 tablespoons butler, 1 tea Hollywood, Dcu. 27.

(AP Bessie Love, motion picture actress, tonight Will become the bride ot William B. Ilawks. Beverly Hills broker. Miss Love, whose real name is Juaniia llorton, was born in Texas but cam to Hollywood anil began her lilm career as a child. She is ono of the few cinema etars to Btage a comeback In the talkies after having- sunk to professional oblivion in the silent drama.

She gave her age as 28 years. llorton is well known In llnanclal circles here. He is 2S years old. A popular form of Indoor winter iHi'iiie itn the covered-dish liiuch-liiin heon. may be for the benefit of severnl families, who wish to -t togi-ther.

lor a meal, without idecing all the burden of cooking on ne pert-en. It may be an idea to many clubs, hich meet 'or hun-heon or have an occasional meeting. en. Grapefruit I- lie- same, I') to 0 cents, with some ry small oms selling; at thre. a Muarler.

Cananas are to i'i d' Sweet potatoes are sane Tomatoes are -U centu a pound; eenls (ioi'e. lip; gjeeu serve four; One and one-half cups mashed po-aioes eo)i i cooked meat, a gravy, I tabli'Sjioons ha -on to i Make I -1 tn i I aa-l; i llit; mashed potain, ne and grav.v and spri-ad i. tia 'J'i'p wall no ma i. cakes ami 'd-M--, iievellt the llilill- IImiI t'ie bacon I ii in a trv-mg pa and v. iici ho' arid ae a Ue-a nd brow ii wi ll bo: ii id' Hilly no out i.aio a t-wsing olaM and garnish wi'li parsli spoon salt.

1 cup water. 1'laco the i-ugar and butler in u1 frying pan. Ileal slowly and when inched add the potatoes and brown i well. Add the rest of the ingredi- eiits. ami cook lor li min- i llt'S.

had thought was the son of Francis X. Euslunan. was lodged in the' county jail here. And instead of being the son of the famous movie suir, the young actor is merely Hob 1'aris, 'from I lo- with; open spaces of W.MJining just tiwing lo get along in tin; show ianic." arrested in Chicago several days ay on charges of def-frauding a hotel and wa. alleged to have given worthless checks in ral oilier eitlen whlh-mastpiiMialiiig under the name of llobi rt X.

liushinai). POLICE CHIEF KILLS HIMSELF racl- Willi iiraeticuliy little change In market prii-cs. shoppers tomorrow will invade the Newark markets, to thc.f supply of foodstuffs, v. likli iiave bien wreally diminished luring the past few days of the holiday season. Fating onoiher siese on the lard- ler, with New Year's day coming on.

market dealers have renewed their supples 10 meet lie demands for tomorrow. Very little change has i'eon made in the varieties he of-Yifl, and the l.irce part of the vecelahleji and fruits v. id remain it beans and xre p-. vn I le.1 dren of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs.

Wal-i tor SfambaiiKh of Newark and Mr. and Mrs. rank Galbruith and son Knjniond spent Christmas with ami Mrs. Guile Davies and son James. Ilavnioiid Jones of Newark was a caller of Mr.

ami Mrs. Harold Hunt-j er and Klvirit and Naomi Smith Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery li'ich ieisoii in the party eoii-iiibat.

one di-h tor menu. Or, it is a large part. two or thrt'j persons may go togelher in furnish-ins a d.eii. The load is cooked, put H.lliel -alio, le-r pioi lliein a proha roA ishes and tin; o'! also remain ihc The warm (o con.sumeis of the dealers huyii a dozen. They around art was lieiug and selling hi uith 111 i-ellis i i ecnis Ulid.

MINERS ESCAPE AFTER BLAST Iteekley, W. Do-. 27. (Al'h-Twelve iinners e-eaped safely from ilhe Sbiteshiiiy mine of the C. c.

li. Kmokeless Coal company. -ight miles SWEET POTATOES IN NEW RECIPE a' Kcnyon Gratl Dies. Cincinnati, Dec. 27.

(AP) Arthur J. Larmon, 41, president of the Kahn-Larinon company, was dead at his home today. He had been engaged in the machine tool industry for 25 years. He was chosen president nine years ago. Larmon was a Keiioiicollego graduate.

Home Smoked Meats a ( atel laiien to tin: win re lo In; served. There wanietl up and served in the a line ettVeJl-d ,11 Wllilah Ii W'aS i-. i -i i Salad- and told de.sserts ai. on lie table in a dish with are bnnight in card-boar.

I boxes, l.noil wilh tis.sue paper. Tin' i'h-a is hut ail the food is in kiml of a e.ivereel eoiilain- wood. X. .1.. D'-c.

(A i 1UIIKV I 1 1 1" o'l I 1 i ami son. Harry Dale, of near Johns-; town, Dale llankinson and Mr. and I Mrs Clarence llankinson and baby were entertained at the home of: their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.

H. llankinson Wednesday. John Crooks called on his mother, i Mrs. Marion Drooks and brother SUGGESTED FOR PARTY DISHES body oi Chief Mb Hard O'Neill. was found in a i luiii of woods nil' i' search of severnl hours sllilted lit the Wiliest Of bis from here, two hours after a "local" explosion in one entry of the mine.

Two engineer were unacc ounteil for, hut ollieials, believe they were in another section of the mine al the time of the blast. it "iiM-l pota: tai in- ami in I it! Ciia-k, Mlgge.stt on p.ittn i ii nd le ml oarta wife wln-n he failed to return home I'olice said he had himsell i.e-I c.tuse of worry over ill-health, A member of the police depart he priee as last week. Oranges, crain- and head h'ltuee were liie only uodiiee to move and each tool; a slight raise, oranges will at from 40 to 7. ecntfi a dozen, with the 4-tent vari-, very scarce. The wholesale rices are around for Florida and $7 for navels.

Crapes, taking; a boost the wholesale rates, will remain same for the buyers, soiling at 13 cents a pound, or two pounds tor a iuarter. White grapes are quoted at 3 cents a. pound. The other article to so up was head lettuce, celling at from in, i 3 and Hit e. nts si head.

Tangerines are rat In sc.uve this ear. The prices heing nked for ihem are from to 5ti cents a doz small eilb-sl IH S-e op '11 CHECK CASE i IS SETTLED' i lb. 2le IKe piece, lb. Hie Smoked Hams, half or whole. Smoked Callies, per lb Pure Pork Bulk Sausage, per Smoked Sausage, per lb Sliced Bacon, per lb Sugar-Cured Bacon, by the per lb Boiled Ham.

per lb Chuck Doasl, per lb Our Famous Bulk Coffee, per a.k- eup cup oiled cros sele lllge the inar cup flour, I ps 1 pupril' Chldi'll, 1 Oiced, CO ment for a quarter of a ceritui and head of the fore" for th'- las', six years. lie had undergone ahdomi "a operations and had a nervous breakdown. --lili Hie a reelpt ii ly tastv: Kiglit ell fat or bi chicken spoon cups diced, nitishrooms celia i lie 1 1 os. (hi. Kit II' 1 Well in II and is- prt-i'ii'd.

(he food may be and two or three oi ls, detailed to eook it, while in. go the merry-; ii.iik.ii?. On different occasions, the w. linen may 'take turns in helping ai tlie kitchen. The food is 1 piping hot, in the covered ditdics.

I Tie- table service at this luncheon 1 1 1 1 1 I b- more or less picnic; fash-1 ei. although it would he very satis-a. i for sum" one to act as host if th. it- i- no man pies-i tu serve the others. teas); Miked i cap Frank Wednesday.

Mowery Davies spent Saturday wilh his '-on nun faiiub. Mr. and Mrs. David Davies. Raymond Galbrnith is at th- home of his iiurents this week, while not i working.

Ml-, and Mis. Harold II lint cr and i Mr. and Mrs. David Davies and Mary N'eldon took slipper with Mr. and Mrs.

S. 11. Hunter and family of Chatham Christmas night. Investment Leader Dies. ail spoon ill-; l)o to pai butt, moiicl Fisher, living north of i Alexandria, was arresteil yesterday afternoon by Deputy Sheriffs Searl! I'rovin and Charles Crawford on a warrant signed by the Antique Shop; Ma.di tie dn.pp.-l p.

III ab. P'PI or ami I f. Isolated. lid la iv. 'l" 111 HV-b.

add a a I own .11. Dei 1- (AI'l-TIv Keni tbrouuii. I of this city for issuing a bad ehe i on the Alexandria bank. The 'was settled in muni'-ipa! '-our bc- ml II th in -i lll.ell. milk.

i.r it territory. in the onion and add si ,1 sauce line, to prevent reili.nt.s and Serve. liak laue of he Scioto march is isolated from the Mi Inez S. Willson. home on, home Cook mi ciui'iitly other miiiuti ocoiie- tilled i poia'o.

ii mod 11 be b- oubside world iiioniine when it came up Wayne ('oilier. 'in a I'iiice ihc lop of the in I'otatm ca time s.u illL' fuel melius, luncli- Ice Box Cookies Made With Fruit ally adapted to South Orange. ,1.. (AC) Charles Jones. 6S.

well known in railroad and investment circles for many curs. is dead at his home lo inaie I.Milcr. to prevent Jt is advisai ture in i don scoreb. ns. Tl and I 'p allied 3 pounds Jladio Cofrec, per lb 3rte Pure Cider Vinegar, per gal.

Home-made Kraut, per lb Flour, 5 lbs Corn Meal. lbs New Soup Beans, 2 lbs Have You Tried Jack Sprat Uncoil'. We IX liver to All Parts of the City. THE METZ GROCERY CO. Cardinal lo me.

Dec. 27. (AO Acceptance U'ftl- ir'-ad. ust a rd. ginger ii ix I lire serve far as communications and con- MUiii nees are concerned.

Trltin service through the village has been I discontinued, there is no bus ser-I ice and I'eeiilly the Cenlral T'le-phoiie was removed from ihe village. CMily meager protest was fie 1 ie hot am. eal.el, er 1 d. lnioiisiv flavored Tin l.a Lux f*ckies when i re; llllO pie. by Dope I'ius of the resignation of Cardinal (laspani from Ins post as ser retarv of state of the Holy See is exi.ecled shortlv.

The cardinal, who -d peas, luncheon run lie all tin baking SAUCE FOR ICE CREAM I li'-re. He was a sptjcial partner I Charles 11. Jones company of New-York City. investmnit brokers. Formerly he served as president of the York Southern railroad.

Al the age of 12 Jones went to sea. and quit I it utter he had attained the rank of master. blieui', mint chocolate sou dft air! te foliowim; recipe; bulterl. 1 cup (iai-K uii grainiiated sugar. up la! I Mm i pOWlh cxo-ll.

cakt confe old, has been consider heai'i until now the gas supply is at low ebb ami provides an insutlicif nt amount for local needs. The village is 77 years 1 nt eo coo They serve as for sending aw; other Christina from his duties as sec loaf, wilh spiced f.s, scalloped sweet jiotatocs, apricot llavarian cream, ing- retiring sour cream, cggS I-II II hone 3016. 506 E. Main M. iea hot 1 ions state for some time.

iiis a population of 700. im.i 'i ill 1 1 ill Hill, retary of The el date sauce, if made, a to will serve eight: teasjioon eloves. i b.asiiooii salt. oolis iiiriiiini'ii. 1 teaspoon nu uu g.

B-B i cup chopped i iks. 1 cup i raisins, 'i cup elioppeil nuts. eiips flour, 1 Teaspoon soda. Cream and fat. and sugar.

Add the ggs and sour cream. Add the rest of the ingredients and shape into rolls, 2 inches in diameter. waxed paper and chill for 24 hours or longer. Cut. off thin slices I bake 3 Inches apart on greased baking sheels.

a very sharp knife for cutting these cookies. One cup sugar. 3 tablespoons Hour, ten ooii sab. 2 squares chocolate, cut line, li, euis water. 1 tea-, spoon vanilla.

Mix sugar, flour, salt and choco- late, adtl wat r. Cook slowly, stir-' ring' frequeiiilv, until sauce thickens. Add vanilla. Mix well and serve cold or hot. Dale Filling.

for a delicious date cake filling use: One cup chopped dates. cup light brown sugar, 'it teaspoon sail, Fig Filling. This fig fillinc may he used for cakes or cookies; One-half cup sugar, 1 tablespoon flour, cup chopped figs, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, cup water, 2 tablespoons 'mT li Und O' Lake! 1 tablespoon flour. cup water, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 'A teaspoon cinna- won, 1-3 cup broken nuts, Mix the sugar, salt and flour. Add the dales and water.

Cook slowly, fttrring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Add the rest of the Mix ond cool. teaspoon salt, cup butter, chopped nuts. Blend the sugar and flour. Add the fifes, lemon juice and water.

Cook slowly, sitrring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Add the rest of the ingredients. Cool and use as a cakefilling. Seven hundred years ago a vanished race of people lived in the Mimbres Valley, New Mexico. 45c Sweet ream Butter lb Criiirlr ib.

A5ICT lb. ROLL OR PRINT Land O' Lakes Sweet Cream Butter Is Pure, Healthful, Delicious. Made Only of Pure Table Quality Sweet Cream Cut from Young Beef U. S. No.

1 Grade Breakfast ib. aeon 47c 15 -lb. Peck 1 ib. moKeci values Pan-American lbs. HOME BAKERY and GROCERY Phone 2927 Saturday Specials s.

second Coffee Cakes and Raisin Bread 10c French Cream Pies, Each 25c Layer Cakes 20c, 35c, 50c Doughnuts, Dozen 25c Fresh Country Eggs, Dozen 50c Milk, Small Can 4c Golden Sun Coffee, Pound 45c Maxwell House Coffee, Pound 49c Table Pride Coffee, Pound 40c Toilet Paper, 3 Large Rolls 20c MEATS Fresh Sausage, Pound 17c Lard, Pure, 2 Pounds 25c Fresh Callies, Pound 14c Fancy Nut Oleo, Pound 29c Bacon, in Piece, Pound 24c Fresh Sausage Pound 18c Frankfurters Pound 30c Kraut Pound 5c Small Hams etry ciub 26c French's Cream Mustard 2 bus 25c Apple Butter Chang Brand Pears Quart Jar 25c Large Can 23c Peanut Butter 19c Culk Pound Jack Frost 35c 5-lb. Cart. uffar Westinghouse Mazda 25 40 60-Watt, each 20c 100-Watt, each 35c Potatoes Peck Malt su 11, 3 can $1.00 Catsup CiTseent 2 Ilottles 25c Pastry Flour 5 i s-k 23c Toilet Paper Northern nse 3k 25c Sanitary Market Co. TKADE AND SAVi- 30 WEST J5AIX S'lUEET FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES QUALITY MEATS AT DEEP-CUT PRICES i ranges l'lorida, "ISX Size Dozen 27c I Celery luinbi) Stalk 10c Grapes 2 29c Carrots or Turnips 5c Head Lettuce liO Size 2 25c Onions Dry, Yellow 5 ids. 15c Palmolive Soap ia.s 20c Holland Herring 98c Kirk's Soap Bars 24c Holland HerringB ik, 2 for 5c Werx Soag Chips 19c Mackerel 2 for 25c Graham Crackers ib.

14c Sweet Potatoes mi. 25c Soda Crackers Pound 14c Cabbage 4 ii. 10c Fresh Canada Dry Cream Cheese Pound 32c Ginger Ale 3 for 50c PURE LARD 12'2clb. SPARE RIBS 17c lb. 4 4 FOR BETTER MEATS Fresh Callies Pork Loin Roast Whole or Half Smoked Callies Falters Frankfurters Sauer Kraut BaCOn by the piece BaCOn sliced ib.

I2y2c lb. 22y2c ib. 19c ib. 25c lb. 5c ib.

23c ib. 33c Sugar-Cured BACON In Piece 19c Seasoning BACON 14'2c GOOD COFFEE 'ggs' OP Special JC orbes City, OH- at 6VC Sanitary, ry Special J3C Heinz Spaghetti, large tails LoC Extro Oleo 16c Oysters AH Meats Guaranteed. Pure Pork SAUSAGE 14c lb. Fresh Ground HAMBURG 15c lb. Clover Bloom Creamery BUTTER 42c lb.

Side PORK 15c lb. Pickled PIG'S FEET 10c lb. rreece soiree lb- dvc BUTTER Bananas 4 lbs- 25c Boneless i BLOCK 2" Country Club Tea 20c 37c Cigarettes 2 23c 5clb. II rfnn 1 1C 35 N. Third St.

8 Union St. 26 S. Third St. 127 S. Fifth St.


The Newark Advocate from Newark, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.