Chillicothe Gazette from Chillicothe, Ohio (2024)

THE MARKETS GRAIN MARKET LOCAL GRAIN MARKET Quotations by Standard Elevator and Supply Co. Wheat. $1.25 Corn .53 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET (By the Associated Press) Dec. May July Wheat Corn .81 Oats .50 Rye 1,003 Jan. May Lard $12.25 $12.47 Ribs $13.65 $13.67 TOLEDO GRAIN MARKET Toledo, 0., Dec.

23 (A. Cash, Wheat $1.41 Corn, $.76 77; Oats, $.50 barley rye, $.98. Cash, Clover Seed, imported, domestic Feb. $181 Mar. $18; Dec.

$17.85, Alike, cash March $20.75 Timothy, cash, Mar. $3.05 Dec. $2.85. LOCAL MARKETS. LOCAL MARKETS.

Eggs 370 Hens Springers 180 Butter fat 520, LIVE STOCK LIVE STOCK PITTSBURGH LIVESTOCK Pittsburgh, Dec. 23 (A. -United States Department of Agriculture. Hogs: Receipts: 1500; market condition slow; heavies, 12.15; 160 to 250 $12.15 12.25; pigs, $12 25 packing sows $10 Cattle: Receipts: none; market condition steady; steers, Calves: Receipts: 50; market condition steady; veals, top Sheep and lambs. Receipts: 300 Jambs, top $13; wethers $7.75.

CHICAGO LIVESTOCK Chicago, Dec. 23 (A. United States Department of Agriculture. Hogs: Receipts: 31000; market conditions, slow; top $11 75; bulk $11.45 packing BOWS $10.10 pigs, Cattle: Receipts: 6000; market condition 25c higher; steers, 75c to $1 higher; yearlings, $12 top; vealers, $10.75 11.50. Sheep: Recelpts: market condition slow, steady; lambs, bulk ewes, $5 feeding lambs $11 CINCINNATI LIVESTOCK Cincinnati, 0, Dec.

23 (A. -United States Department of Agriculture, Hogs: Receipts: 2000; market condition steady; 130 to 160 $12; 160 to 260 275, to 350 $11.25 pigs, steady; sows, $9.50 10.50. Cattle: Receipts: 450; market condition strong; steers, and heiters $3.50 4.25;| bulls up to $7. Calves: Receipts: 400; vealers top $15 Sheep: Receipts: 100; lambs, strong; top $12; ewes, $5.50. STOCK MARKETS CITY SERVICE Columbus, 0., Dec.

23 (A. Common Preferred Pure Oil. 28 LIBERTY BONDS, LAST SALE (By the Associated Press) 101. First 41 102.24 Second 100.28 Third 101,13 Fourth 103. U.

S. Treasury 102.230 S. Treasury 4 105.21 U. S. Treasury 109.30 OBITUARIES FUNERAL NOTICE The body of Mrs.

Ida R. Bowman, 48, widow of Harmon Bowman, 316 S. Eighteenth street, who died Monday night from injuries suffered earlier in the day, when struck by a motor truck, will be taken to Bourneville for burial. Funeral services will be held at 7:30 p.m. today at the Denton Donaldson chapel, 318 E.

Town street, Rev. S. S. Palmer of Broad street, Presbyterian church officiating -Ohio State Journal. IRA STORTS.

Ira Storts, son of Rebecca and Perry Storts, was born at his father's present home on Lower Choice Glace Fruits and Nuts For Christmas Glace Fruits, 1 lb. Tin Decorated boxes $1.50 Glace Fruits, lb. Wood Decorated Boxes $3.50 5 lb. Wood Decorated boxes $5.00 Glace Fruits Glace Fruits 5 lb. Wood Decorated boxes $5.00 French Glace Fruits and Nuts 3 lb.

Wood Decorated boxes 84.00 Glace Fruits and Nuts, 5 lb. Cedar Chests with lock and key $6.50 Glace Fruits and Nuts 10 lb Cedar Chests with lock and key $12 Mixed Shelled Nuts, Almonds, and Raisins, in fancy tins, 1 lb. boxes 75c and 90c Men's Shaving Sets. Houbigants $3.50, Mennen's, Colgates, etc. at varying prices, J.

H. Howson DRUG STORE. Cor. Water and Walnut I A Real Gift Why not give a pair of large, comfortable reading glasses this Christmas to father, mother, or some elderly relative or friend? Phone for appointment. C.V.


in the county. The post learned last night that moving pictures of the work of the national organization had been received by the state department from Hollywood and would probably be shown here in the fore part of next year. Plans were also formulated for a dance and supper which will be held after the first of the year. The meeting was well attended and the filling 455 of Christmas boxes for patients at. U.

S. Hospitaloccupied the time after the busines esession. Sandy, fruit cake, cigarettes and a tie were placed in the packages for the dis. abled soldiers. TO SPEND HOLIDAYS.

Mrs. Ova Hess and daughter, Margie Ann, of East Second street, will leave, Monday, for Cincinnati, to spend the Christmas bolldays with Mr. and Mrs. Lolyd Siberell. Mr.

Hess will motor to Cineinrati the latter part of next week, to spend New eYars's day and to bring Mrs. Hess and daughter home. Condemnation Hearing Goes Over Christmas The Chesapeake and Hocking land condemnation case against Lucille Hinton was being heard in the common pleas court room, today, before Probate Judge Cutright. The case against Wesley Vincent is to follow. It was announced that the hearing will be adjourned, this afternoon, until Tuesday moraing.


McGinty, Miss Helen Schuer, Mrs. Willard Spetnagel, Mr. Edward Schuer and Julius Schuer will leave on Monday, to attend the wedding of Mr. Joseph Schuer and Miss Marie Johnson, which will be solemnized in St. Michael's church, at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, on Wednesday, December 29th.

Rev. Father Schuer of Cincinnati, brother ct the groom, will assist in the ceremony. Mr. Schuer is the son of Mr. Edward Schuer of Plum street, and is K.

of C. secretary at the U. S. V. B.

hospital at Oconomawoc, and Miss Johnson is principal of the school, there. After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Schuer will go to housekeeping in Oconomowoc. The many friends of Mr.

Schuer in this city, are extending to him their congratulations and best wishes. Mr. L. E. Sears of Warrensburg, Mrs.

Mildred Wayland of Columbus, and Mr. Charles Day, of Steubenville, will be the holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Lay of West Main ATHLETIC CLUB MEMBERS HAVE CHRISTMAS PARTY The annual Christmas party for the members of the Chillicothe Athletic Club was held on Wednesday evening in the club rooms, with one hundred and twenty-five present. There were Christmas decorations, with a lovely tree, and Mr.

"Shorty" Ferguson, in the role of Santa Claus, presented each one with a gilt, mostly humorous, which occasioned a great deal of merriment. These gifts were given to the Welfare Association at the close of the evening. "Big eats" were served and thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. Arthur Howson was general chairman in charge of the affair, and to him the club is indebted for the suc-1 cess of the party.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Colvin, of Laurel street, who have been making their winter home In Dayton, have returned and will be at their home here for a month. Miss Edith Colvin, of Dayton, spent Thursday with them, NURSES HAVE INFORMAL PARTY The nurses of the U. S.

V. B. Hospital No. 97 enjoyed an informal party, Wednesday, in the Nurses' Home. Lovely decorations of evergreen and other things, suggestive of the season, were used, and there was a tree, around which had been placed the gifts which were exchanged by the nurses.

The evening was spent socially, after which delicious refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. W. P.

Bowers of Chicago will arrive today to be the guests of Mr. Bowers' brother in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. N.

Billings, and also of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Brigham, Mr.

and Mrs. Edward O'Connor, their little son John Francis, and Mr. Owen O'Connor of Donahue, Iowa, motored through and are the guests of Mrs. O'Connor's mother, Mrs. Anna Mertz of North Rose street.

The Shop -scope a 637 MEAD (Continued From Page One) Grabb and James P. Martin, and Cary Collins, 15 years of service. The money was distributed in the form of bran new one, five, ten and twenty dollar bills. In addition to the long service employees in continuous service, 595 other members of the organization received amounts varying from $1 to 14. The award is made on the basis of continuous connection, every employee on the books receiving money for a year's service.

Those employed before Nov. 48, this year, also were included, regardless of the length of service. A letter from the president of the company, George H. Mead, accompanied each money award. It follows: The company extends to you its best wishes for a happy Christmas and continued prosperity throughcut the coming year.

During the year now closing we have again extended our plants, thereby increasing the responsibility of every employee. We are proud of our mills, but it is only by continued loyalty and that we can justify expenditures that hare been made and bring our plants to the highest degree of efficiency. It therefore gives me great pleasure, each year, to recognize the continuous service and loyalty of so many of our employees and, as a Christmas Greeting, present one dollar for each year of service. Yours sincerely, GEO. H.

MEAD. The 1926 bonus represents an increase of nearly $500 over the 1925 distribution, although there were 569 employed last year, as against the increase to 637. The greatest number of employees was to be found in the one-year class, where 180 received $1 each, followed by the four and threerear service groups, with. 79 and 72 respectively. Only one was in the fifteen-year service class.

FAYETTE CO. EXCITED OVER THE MURDER (Continued from First Page) killed. Tracks in the soft ground showed traces of a scuffle and a cap which she wore was found some distance from the body. Leo Halterman told Sheriff R. S.

Remsey, of Fayette county, who, with his deputies, is investigating the double murder that he heard an automobile move rapidly down the road as he came out of the house. Sheriff Ramsey is working on the theory that revenge may have been the motive for the killing. Former Farm Hand is Held for Investigation Washington C. Dec. 23.

(A. -Sam Satterfield, farm laborer, was arrested on suspicion today in connection with killing early this morning of Mr and Mra Halterman, at their home in northern Fayette county. Satterfield, according to Leo Halterman, brother of the dead man, was employed at the Halterman farm last spring and was discharged intoxication. Leo Halterman also is authority for the statement that Satterfield has been heard to make threats against Charles Halterman on several occasions. Satterfield, who is held in the Fayette county jail, has made no statement in connection with the finding of the bodies of the Haltermans, who apparently were killed by thieves whom they frustrated in an attempt to rob their chicken house.

SANTA CLAUS GOOD TO GIRL WITNESSES (Continued from First Page) ter Montrose had remarked that the only thing he had to say, why sentence should not be passed up011 him, was that he did not think he deserved so severe a penalty. Montrose heard the sentence without any show of emotion. TO ALL MY PATRONS Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanking you for your patronage during the past year, MAT. The Oil Battery Service Lubricating Department, IT'S NOT TOO LATE To select that wrist watch in the newer style that she has been longing for, We have just received another shipment of those new style high grade guaranteed wrist watches at $12.50, $15,00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 and some beauties set with diamonds at $50.00.

See our windows today and tomorrow. Chas. F. Schlegel Sons, Oldest Jewelry House in Chillicothe. CANDY, CANDY, CANDY Your Christmas Candy should, above til, be pure and fresh.

Don't buy Candies for price alone. Doscher's Home Made Chocolate Drops only 18c per lb. Doscher's Home Made Cut Mixed or Tatty Candy only 18e lb. Doscher's Assorted Chocolate Creams 5. lb.

boxes, $2.26. BOHN BROS. Stores. THE GIFT SUPREME A diamond ring we have beautiful stones set in 18K white gold. $18.00, $25.00, $32.50, $35.00, $50.00 and in all quality diamonds.

Chas. F. Schlegel Sons, Oldest Jewelry House in Chillico-1 the, 0 CANDY, CANDY, CANDY Your Christmas Candy should, above all, bepure and fresh. Don't buy Candies for price alone. Doscher's Home Made Chocolate Drops only 18e per lb.

Doscher's Home Made Cut Mixed or Tatty Candy only 180 lb. Doscher's Assorted Chocolate Creams 5 lb. boxes, $1.25. BOHN BROS. 3 Stores.

Piles Can Be Cured Without Surgery An Instructive book das been published by Dr. L. M. Ross, the rectal specialist. This book tells now sufferers from piles can be quickly and easily cured without the use of the kntte, scissors.

burning electricity or 802 cutting method, without continement to! bed and no hospital bills to pas This method bas been a success for 25 years and to thousands of cases. This book is sent postpaid free to persons afflictau with piles or other rectal trouble who clip this Item and mall it with came and address to L. M. Ross. M.

D. 131 Eas. State street, Columbus, Oblo. -Adv. SHERMAN Today, and Sat.

FURO4 SE a WALLACE RAYMOND BEERY HATTON WE'RE IN THE NAVY CHESTER CONKUN. TOM KENNEDY EDWARD. Here they are again the "big guns" of comedy. Also Mack Sennett Comedy "There He Goes" featuring Harry Langdon. Admission 35c You'll Like "Bill's" -Bit on the organ for last minute shoppers.

NEW WRINKLE IS WORKED BY SMOOTH ONE (Continued from First Page) coal, Stanhope stopped at M. S. Lanta' grocery, 87 South Walnut, and showed Lants the check. It was pronounced as a forgery. This was contirmed at the bank later.

Lowery, on whom the check was made, said that he had never written a number on his checks, the one O'Neal passed having been numbered 1404. A GIFT FOR ALL Send a basket of Fruit. Bohn Bros, Fruit Expert has them ready for delivery. YOU'D BETTER PHONE 513 Fish Market for your dressed turkey, goose, duck or chicken. Fresh rabbits, fish and oysters.

12-21-31 OYA The Brightest Town Spot Today and Tomorrow Prices 10c and 20c A Thrilling Romance of The Circus. BANNER PRODUCTIONS CHRISTINE of the BIG TOPS with GARON CULLEN LANDIS OTTO MATIESE! GRAVES DETTY MARTHA MATTOX JOHN ELLIOTT Rammer beg Production ARCHIE MAYO Arthur Lake in "Too Much Sleep," comedy and "Fighting With Buffalo Bill." FOR CHRISTMAS reduction on China Ware. Glass Ware and Pottery, Elsane (Flower Shop. 12-8-10-14-17-21-23 A GIFT FOR ALL Send a basket of Fruit. Bobn Bros, Fruit Expert has them ready for delivery, Twin, Buckskin Township, Dec.

8, 1878, and departed this life in his own home in South Salem, Dec. 20, 1926, at the age of 53 years and 12 days. Mr. Storts had been in poor health for the past 10 years. Four years ago January 28, he was taken down with his first stroke from which he never fully recovered.

The second attack took him from us on Dec. 20. father's family of three boys, Ira, Orange, and George and three girls, Kate, Sarah and Zeda, he was the first to join their mother in the spirit land. On Nov. 14, 1894.

Ira Storts was united in marriage with a neighbor girl, Myrtle co*konougher. Of this union nine: children were born, one of whom, one son, Lawrence, preceded the father to the great beyond. The mother and three daughters, Grace, Iris and Esther and five sons, Ray, Roy, Ralph, Ernest and Clair yet survive. Ira Storts was one of Buckskin township's staunchest, progressive citizens, a man of rare business qualities, a generous obliging neighbor and a most kind and indulgent husband and father. He was a firm believer in the revealed word of God, squared his life by the golden rule and encouraged his family in church going and in church activities.

FUNERAL OF JOHN W. WILLIS Rev. H. H. Stephenson will officiate at the funeral services for the late John W.

Willis, to be held on Sunday at one o'clock at the M. E. church at Clarksburg. The body will be laid to rest in Brown's Chapel cemetery. FUNERAL OF MRS.

BEARD Funeral services for the late Mrs. Mary Beard will be held on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at the residence, 169 East Seventh street, with Rev. Forrest Mitchell in charge. Burial will be made in Grandview cemetery, MRS. WILLIAM S.

BRAHLER Mrs. Agnes H. Brahler, 470 Laurel Street, passed at the City Hospital Thursday morning at 12:05, death following an operation for appendicitis which was performed on Monday. She was born on April 13th, 1880, the daughter of William and Abigail McManus Slaughter, and married on August 25th, 1904 to William S. Brahler.

She is survived by her mother, her husband, four brothers, Clyde E. of Columbus, Charles of this city, Clifford and Claude Gilman, Montana, and two sisters, Miss Inez Slaughter and Mrs. Roy Stewart of this city, Mrs. Brahler was a member the Church of Christ in Union, and Rev. E.

A. Keaton will officiate at the funeral services which will be held at the residence, on Monday, December 27th, at 2 p. m. Interment will be in Greenlawn cemetery. M'DERMOTT IN DEFI TO STATE UP AT CANTON (Continues from First Page) of persons with whom he was 88- sociated in the liquor trade.

"I refuse to answer," he said repeatedly and when McClintock asked the reason he replied, "I refuse to answer because you said you would frame me." Legionnaires To Play Santa All Legionnaries of the Ross County Post with automobiles were asked to be at the Chamber of Commerce at 8:30 Saturday morning to the Christmas boxes to the disabled soldiers at the U. S. Hospital No. 97, where a real party with a Santa Claus and tree will be staged by Legion members for the hospital inmates, at the meeting last night. Comnander H.

E. Breth urged that a arge tunout be on hand to take he gift boxes to the hospital, The local Legion Post accepted the challenge to a membership race in 1927 with the department of loa laid down by state commander Harbert R. Moody of the deprtment of Ohio, and prepared to put on an intensive campaign for new members during the coming year. Last year the membership race between the Hawkeye and Buckeye state departments resulted in a win for Ohio Legionnaires and this year is expected to be a repitition. The challenge was issued by state Commander McGinnis of Iowa and taken up by.

Commander Moody. With a present roll of over 400 members, the Ross county organization is planning to acquire many new members during 1927 out of the 600 aligible ex-soldiers, MAJESTIC Today, Friday and Sat. WARNER BROS present MILLIONAIRES Directed Raymahar George Sidney Louise Fazenda Vera Gordon Nat Carr -Helene Costello' Arthur Lubin- -Jane Winton, Warner Bros. Production Bobby Vernon Comedy Mat. Christmas at 2 and 3 15c, 25c, 35c Evening 6:45, 8:30 and 9 STAR TONIGHT ONLY I John W.

Considine, Jr. presents PETER THE GREAT In "WILD by C. Gardner Sullivan, Chester M. Frankliro, PRODUCTION. A dog hero you will love in a story that will thrill and amaze with its swift adventure.

Also Comedy VIONA I LUNG EASE Will Stop Your Cough in a Marry contains Rock Glycerine, Whisky, Horehound, Boneset, and Palatable Ingredients. Price 50c and $1.00 Bottle At All Drug Stores Drummond's Meat Market SERVICE 86 North Paint Street QUALITY Let This Shop Help You Arrange A A Pleasing Christmas Dinner 4 ECOn It's a festival time their of year and table. everyone This wants the best upon dining market will make yours a happier Christmas and a more comfortable New Year. Home Dressed Beef PORK Brisket, Boil 8c Fresh Shoulder, whole 19c Soft Ribs, Boil 183 10c Fresh Side 25c Chuck Roast 15c Shoulder Pork Chops 25c Rump Roast 18c Pork Steak, out of ham 30c Prime Rib Roast 002 18c SAUSAGE Hamburg Steak 15c Liver Pudding 10c Chuck Steak 18c Head Cheese 15c Round Steak 20c Bologna, Small 10c Sirloin Steak 23c Bologna, Large 14c Porter House 25c Smoked Sausage 20c Smoked Meat Bulk Sausage 22c Sugar Cured Case Sausage 25c Our Own Cure, No Better Minced Ham 20c Jowl 20c Pressed Ham 25c Smoked Bacon 20c LARD Medium Bacon 30c No. 2 Pail 35c Callies 20c No.

3 Pail 50c Breakfast Bacon, pieces 35c No. 5 Pail co 75c Regular Hams 28c No. 10 Pail $1.50 Block Hams 28c 25 lb. $3.50 Oysters, per qt. 65c 50 lb.

Can $7.00.

Chillicothe Gazette from Chillicothe, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.